WATCH: Dana Loesch Chops It Up With New Yorker Facing Prosecution for Exercising Second Amendment Rights

AP Photo/Seth Perlman, File

Conservative radio talk show host Dana Loesch recently interviewed Dexter “Carbon Mike” Taylor, a Brooklyn-based software engineer who is facing prosecution for manufacturing his own guns. His case is garnering attention, especially in the gun rights community who have become incensed by his case.


See: Brooklyn Man's Gun Hobby Leads to a SWAT Raid and a Harrowing Legal Fight for His Freedom

Since our interview, Taylor and his lawyer, Vinoo Varghese have been telling the story of how a joint ATF/NYPD coalition targeted him, eventually raiding his home and arresting him. He told Loesch that he “did not intend to transfer or sell” his firearms. Yet, law enforcement seized his computers, phone, credit cards, guns, and other possessions.

They know that I wasn't out there talking about guns. I wasn't out there advertising guns. I wasn't out there talking about them on social media. I certainly wasn't talking or thinking about transferring weapons. These were my weapons, my rifles. I named them. You know what I'm saying? I was trying to start my second career in weapon science. I had all these plans to buy some land in New Hampshire and build a gun lab and bring my expertise as a software guy and as a data guy to firearms.

Taylor described lying in bed listening to an audiobook when the officers broke into his home. He had no idea the raid was coming and believed they had the wrong house at first.

They took me off First, the local jail, I guess that was the 85th Precinct, 85th Precinct, and then I went to Rikers. I was in Rikers Island for a week. Now, my bail, to get out of Rikers, my bail was almost a quarter of a million dollars. Now, this is in a city. This is in a city where people can beat up on cops on camera and walk. This is a city where a nutty professor from Hunter College can chase a cameraman down the street in the Bronx with a deadly weapon and traipse into the precinct and traipse out the same day. When people say that this whole obsession with violating our rights is about public safety…I'm inclined to say they're lying.


Being a black man, the hypocrisy shown by folks on the left was not lost on Taylor, who pointed out a serious contradiction in the rhetoric employed by anti-gun progressives.

Let me say this. I myself, I am of no political affiliation. I'm not a Democrat, I'm not a Republican. But it's worth noting that New York State is run by Democrats. New York City is run by Democrats. These are the same people. These are the same people who are telling me and telling people like me that there's murderous white supremacists hiding behind and bushes and trees waiting to jump out and lynch us from the nearest traffic light. Do you see what I'm saying? If these murderous white supremacists and clan members are the biggest threat to domestic safety, and you care about my health and well-being, well…Why are you willing to contravene the laws of this Republic to disarm me? Isn't that odd for someone who says they care about you?


Taylor is facing up to 18 years in prison if he is convicted. However, he remains dedicated to fighting for his freedom in what could be a landmark case for gun rights. He currently has a GiveSendGo campaign to help fund his legal battle against the state.


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