Fox News Poll Shows Trump Losing Bigly in 2020, but Who Cares?

I expect this to be fodder for a lot of people today as a new poll out from Fox News shows Donald Trump is in deep trouble in the 2020 election.

The poll asks if the 2020 election was held today, who would you vote for?


Only 36% said they’d vote for Donald Trump. 55% said they’d vote for “someone else.” 

I know people love horse-race politics but seriously? The 2020 election is 1,600+ days away. The notion that a poll that far out has any stock in it is absurd. I refuse to rule anything out. Trump’s first 100 days feel like 1,000, and outside the nomination of Neil Gorsuch, his tenure is a disaster.

The numbers on the first 100 days from the poll are more important than 2020 prognostications:

Some 46 percent think Trump is keeping his campaign promises in general, while 44 percent disagree.

By a 23-point margin, voters say the United States is less respected rather than more respected compared to one year ago (52 percent less vs. 29 percent more).

That all leads to over half feeling “discouraged” (51 percent) rather than “encouraged” (45 percent) about the next four years.

It also leads some to tune out. During the first few weeks of the new administration, 52 percent said they were paying more attention to politics (February 2017). That’s 33 percent now.


The last part is amusing. It seems like people are already bored.

Also, they like Mike Pence, better:

Vice President Mike Pence outperforms his boss: 50 percent of voters approve of the job he’s doing, while 33 percent disapprove. Sixteen percent are unable to rate him.

There certainly is a lot to digest and it’s better that you read through all of the numbers. However, ignore anything related to the election of 2020. It’s way too early.



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