One of the many great attributes our founding fathers had was their vision. They devised an electoral system that works for all people, doesn’t allow highly concentrated areas of the country to decide elections and devised systems to keep the country a strong republic, rather than becoming a banana republic.
In most election years, primaries are boring, run of the mill affairs where the end result is known way ahead of time and states who vote in April, May or June are considered afterthoughts. It’s been this way for the Republican Party for the last 40 years. Aside from Pat Buchanan winning a few contests in 1996 and Rick Santorum challenging Mitt Romney in 2012 to a dozen states, it’s almost always a foregone conclusion as to who will get the nomination.
That has changed in 2016. There is a tight battle in the race, and as it stand now, the candidate with the most delegates, Donald Trump, still needs 775 delegates out of the 1,400 or so left over to clinch the nomination. If he doesn’t reach that number, the GOP candidate for 2016 will be decided at the Republican National Convention. That is how the system works.
It is why this piece by Stephen Moore is so irresponsible given the rhetoric he has chosen to use.
A top Republican consultant whined last week, “Donald Trump is hijacking the Republican Party.”
This is a common and almost comical complaint these days from the establishment wing of the GOP, the same people who have hijacked the party pretty much since the end of the Reagan era.
In his disgraceful rant against Trump on Thursday, Mitt Romney even unveiled a new strategy by the establishment: Keep Trump from getting a majority of the delegates (though he is very likely to win a plurality) and then steal the election from Trump at the convention. Ironically, these are the same people who were making fun of the Democrats for “rigging” their nomination process to favor Hillary Clinton.
Emphasis mine.
I’m sorry, sir. Steal? That is ridiculous. It does not matter if Donald Trump has a plurality of the delegates when the convention starts. Donald Trump needs 1,237 as I already stated. That is how this process works. Otherwise, the GOP would have written up the rules to state any candidate with a plurality of the delegates shall become the nominee. The process will work itself out in in doing so, nothing will have been “stolen” and nobody will have been “disenfranchised.” If Moore wants to have a national election to determine the Presidential nominee, then he can lobby the RNC to do that. Otherwise, his rhetoric is not helping anybody.
Moore goes on to claim the GOP is not looking at the bright side:
I’m not taking sides in this race, and I have policy disagreements with Trump. But I did say publicly last week, to the consternation of many friends and colleagues, that what impresses me greatly about Trump is he is attracting millions of blue-collar, working-class Americans back to the GOP. They are abandoning the Democrats. Hallelujah, right?
But based on what, sir? Free market principles? No. Conservative principles? No. What has Donald Trump promised in order to attract these voters? To build a wall along the Mexican border, to slap tariffs on China, to slap taxes on any American based company that doesn’t manufacture their goods in the United States and to ban Muslims from entering the country.
Donald Trump has not appealed to these voters in an optimistic way to show that conservative ideas and policies are the best solution for what ails our nation. Trump is exploiting people’s baser instincts, using fear and anger as his motivating factor to get people to vote for him. That’s not leadership. It may be the kind of appeal that could win a primary, but will get crushed in a general election.
Trumpism isn’t hard to explain. We’ve had eight years of a mostly failed Republican president followed by eight years of a completely failed Democrat. Over this whole period, the middle class hasn’t seen a pay increase — while GOP political consultants rake in millions as a reward for losing. The fact that four of the wealthiest counties in America are inside or near the Washington Beltway says everything to voters about who is benefiting from a $4 trillion government.
The Republicans have only themselves to blame for this working-class revolt. These are voters who are horrified by what Barack Obama has done to our country and, so, in the 2014 midterm elections, they naively put their faith in Republicans to at least try to fix thing.
Really? And where were these voters in 2008 and 2012? If these are indeed “new” Republican voters as Moore alleges, why weren’t they there before? This idea that voters who were not there doing the work so many of us were doing but now want to call the shots is for the birds. Conservatives were doing what they could to stop Obama, including trying to defeat him in 2012. If these “new” voters are so pissed off, perhaps they should have thought about that in 2012 when the rest of us were doing what was necessary to try to oust Obama.
Finally, Moore makes a statement I have been hearing from many people who either support Trump outright or try to blame the GOP for his rise:
The same party elites who have told us that we conservatives have to hold our noses and vote for Bob Dole or George W. Bush or Romney now say they will bolt the party if Trump is the nominee. Who’s going to hand the election to Clinton in this spat? The party is cracking up. It’s the establishment and the check writers versus the working class in America.
This kind talk — out of both sides of the mouth — has become a new thing among those boosting Donald Trump. But guess what? They cannot have it both ways. Trump cannot be the guy who is bringing all of these new people to the party and who will usher in a big victory but at the same time, lose because people such as myself refuse to support him. If the Trump juggernaut is real, then he can win without my support.
When he loses however, the only people to blame will be those who decided a temper tantrum was the best way to “fix” the problem, handing the nomination to a progressive fraud who has discovered conservatism in the last 2 years when they could have any number of terrific candidates. Trump’s appeal to the middle class is nothing but a means to an end – just like it was with his Trump University flim-flam. He wants to win the Presidency. Once he gets there, all bets are off.
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