History remembers how we won World War II. Franklin Roosevelt rolled his wheelchair into Germany and debated Adolph Hitler. At the end of the debate, the Germans smacked themselves upside the head, recognized the error of their ways, and laid down their arms.
That must be why Barack Obama went to the Pentagon yesterday and declared, “In order for us to defeat terrorist groups like ISIL and al-Qaeda, we must discredit their ideology. This broader challenge of countering violent extremism….Ideologies are not defeated with guns, they are defeated by better ideas.”
I would note that the closest history parallel is communism. We did not fight a hot war against the Soviets. We fought on the ideological playing field. By and large, we won. Until the communists took over the American academy, Hollywood, etc. The failed ideology of the Soviets lives on in places like North Korea, China, Vietnam, Cuba, and Valerie Jarrett’s office at the White House.
In other words, if the President has no intention of defeating ISIS through violent military action, thereby making it unpalatable for anyone to associate with ISIS lest they too eat a heat seeking missile, we might as well get used to ISIS spreading.
Because, and let’s get real here, Barack Obama’s ideology is one that tells people they have no tomorrow, no higher and best use, and need government to take care of them until they die and are eaten by worms — but in the meantime buggery is cool. Secular leftism does not sell well when contrasted with an ideology that promises an afterlife filled with virgins and a present filled with heroic struggle against a Great Satan sissy in mom jeans.
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