The Anne Boleyn Budget — 1000 Days In

Anne Boleyn was queen for 1000 days then her head rolled off her shoulders thanks to a Frenchman’s sword. We’re seeing the Anne Boleyn of budgets making its way to Capitol Hill now — after 1000 days the President is finally presenting his budget. But like the last one that got rejected 97-0 in the Senate, this one too, it seems, will get rejected by a bipartisan group lamenting big spending.Along the way, the White House Chief of Staff is getting his facts wrong.


As President Obama prepares to unveil his FY2013 budget Monday, White House chief of staff Jack Lew this morning was asked by CNN to defend the Senate’s refusal to pass a budget in more than 1,000 days.“You can’t pass a budget in the Senate of the United States without 60 votes and you can’t get 60 votes without bipartisan support,” Lew said. “So unless… unless Republicans are willing to work with Democrats in the Senate, [Majority Leader] Harry Reid is not going to be able to get a budget passed.”That’s not accurate. Budgets only require 51 Senate votes for passage, as Lew — former director of the Office of Management and Budget — surely must know.

Of all the things this White House should get wrong, budget reconciliation rules, etc. should be the very last thing considering how they passed Obamacare. But there you go.No budget for a thousand days — it really is not difficult to understand why so many Americans keep their money on the sidelines when their own government can’t tell them a spending plan for the next year.


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