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NY-09 Goes Republican For the First Time Since 1922
NY-09 last saw Republicans hold it in 1922. The seat, last held by Anthony Weiner, flipped back to the GOP tonight in a stunning rebuke to Barack Obama.In every special election in New York for the past few years, even in 2009/2010, the Democrats pointed their finger at each one and declare it spelled disaster for the GOP. Today, the Democrats will declare NY-09 has no bearing on anything under the sun.Except, in NY-09 the Democrats attacked the Republican, Congressman-Elect Turner, on the Paul Ryan plan. They attacked him on social security and medicare. All things the Democrats did in the last New York congressional special election they did again this time. And they lost. They lost a district that went for Obama, Kerry, and Gore. They lost a district that has had a Democrat representing it for almost 90 years.Obama lost New York Jewish voters. He lost them because of three things.Please click here for the rest of the post.
1. Solyndra, Barack Obama, and Crony Capitalism: Picking a Loser to be a Winner
2. Bachmann Stayed Quiet on Mandatory Vaccinations While Serving Minnesota
3. No Girls Were Harmed During the Production of This Executive Order
4. House Republicans Ram Highway Bill Through Without a Roll Call Vote
5. Pennsylvania considering Electoral College split
6. Why Are Obama & Union Bosses Working to Destroy Companies & Jobs?
1. Solyndra, Barack Obama, and Crony Capitalism: Picking a Loser to be a Winner
The Operation Gun Walker scandal has not yet percolated in the mainstream media outside CBS News, though it is only a matter of time that it catches on, given the cirminal enterprise the U.S. Government seems complicit in aiding and abetting.There is, however, a scandal taking off like a rocket and directly relevant to Stimulus II. Via Doug Ross comes word that ABC News has uncovered the makings of a very real and potentially damaging scandal for Barack Obama.Please click here for the rest of the post.
2. Bachmann Stayed Quiet on Mandatory Vaccinations While Serving Minnesota
What’s worse than a mandatory vaccination that never actually came to law and, even if it had, contained an opt-out? According to Michele Bachmann, nothing. In fact, if you listen to Michele Bachmann these days, you’d think Governor Perry was strapping 12 year old children to tables to inject them when he takes breaks from using the other needle on inmates.Bachmann is making the case that opposing vaccinations required by the state is fundamentally a conservative issue, which is news to many conservatives given that mandatory vaccinations have been around as long as they have, and, to my knowledge, we haven’t made it a big part of the Republican platform to oppose them. But if you listened to Bachmann last night, it’s clear that she believes this is the type of issue on which a presidential candidate must stand, must do the right thing, and cannot waver in putting this forth as a conservative principle lest we risk infecting millions of children with mental retardation.Has this always been an enormous part of this warrior’s soul? Apparently not.Please click here for the rest of the post.
3. No Girls Were Harmed During the Production of This Executive Order
From Ben Domenech’s most excellent Transom comes this, backing up what I think ends this as an issue for Perry:”The attacks on Perry’s HPV vaccine actions five years ago have now taken up roughly 15 minutes in both the MSNBC debate and the CNN debate. Perry’s message on this has been straightforward: that he made a mistake on the way he did the approach, that he’d approach it differently if he could do it over again, and that he listened to opponents and took his chiding from the legislature. He’s defensive about the fact that he did add a parental opt-out (Santorum’s assertion that all vaccines should be opt-in indicates that he has zero understanding of herd immunity), but that’s the rule for all of Texas.”But here’s the real reason this is a silly debate: the policy never went into effect. Not one girl was vaccinated under the policy. Not one shot was given. Demanding apologies from Perry for a policy that never went into effect gets tiresome after a while – particularly when Mitt Romney has never apologized for his namesake health care reforms, in effect in Massachusetts still today.”Now, you can still say that Perry shouldn’t have done it, but the attacks diminish when, in fact, no one was affected by a policy then undone — compare that to Romneycare.Please click here for the rest of the post.
4. House Republicans Ram Highway Bill Through Without a Roll Call Vote
House Republican Leaders seem absolutely hell bent on violating their own budget. First they announce that the legislation or the “continuing resolution” to extend discretionary funding for the next fiscal year will exceed the House-passed, Paul Ryan budget resolution by $24 billion and line up instead with the sacred debt limit agreement.Then we find out that a separate bill (H.R. 2887) to extend the federal highway and aviation programs for six months was rushed through the House this afternoon without even a recorded vote. The problem with this legislation was that it extends a broad set of transportation programs that the nation can no longer afford and which are in dire need of reform. It was a missed opportunity, and at the very least, the bill should have extended the programs at the level provided for in the Paul Ryan budget. Ryan’s budget—which almost every Republican Member voted for—included $27 billion for highways programs, about $15 billion less than was provided in FY 2011. In addition, H.R. 2887 lacked a formal cost estimate from the Congressional Budget Office, so its impossible to nail down the numbers for sure. Bills without cost estimates shouldn’t see the light of day in committee, let alone the floor of the House of Representatives.Please click here for the rest of the post.
5. Pennsylvania considering Electoral College split
Governor Tom Corbett and Pennsylvania Republicans are considering legislation to change the allocation of Pennsylvania’s Presidential electors. Instead of awarding all 20 on a winner take all basis, the plan by Senate leader Dominic Pileggi would switch to the Congressional district model currently in use by Nebraska and Maine.In Nebraska and Maine, the statewide popular vote for President only determines two Presidential electors, the two representing the states’ Senators. The remaining votes are allocated according to the popular vote in each House district. Nebraska’s second district breaking for Obama in 2008 did not shape the election, but if Pennsylvania follows this model, then the 2012 Electoral College scenarios change significantly. Here’s how.Please click here for the rest of the post.
6. Why Are Obama & Union Bosses Working to Destroy Companies & Jobs?
The question needs to be asked: Is it ignorance or malice? There was a time after the subprime mortgage meltdown when, if sound decisions on policy and financial initiatives had occurred, the American economy may not have been hobbled as badly, its credit rating might not have been downgraded, the recession might have been curtailed and so many Americans might not have been so negatively affected. However, rather than helping a recovery by letting the quasi-free market adjust, contract and expand again, at almost every turn, Barack Obama and the union appointees and crony capitalists within his administration are, whether out of malice or ignorance, seemingly doing everything they can to destroy an already fragile economy. It’s really no longer a question of ”if,” but “why.”Please click here for the rest of the post.
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