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1. Scott Brown, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, Mark Kirk, and Lisa Murkowski are Cowardly Liberal Extremists
2. DSCC picks horse in NV, hedges bets in NM and CT
3. Gallup: Who Do You Trust on the Economy?
4. The Poor Aren’t Buying Obama’s Class Warfare
1. Scott Brown, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, Mark Kirk, and Lisa Murkowski are Cowardly Liberal Extremists
Support for taxpayer funding of abortion is outside the political mainstream in this country. Depending on the poll, between 60 and 75 per cent of Amerians oppose it (see here, here, and here). In other words, belief that the government ought to be in the business of funding abortions is roughly as mainstream as the belief that the United States Government was behind 9/11. Now, Planned Parenthood has tried mightily to avoid these results by dishonestly claiming that the funds they receive from the government aren’t used for abortions. This is one of the most idiotic arguments ever made since the defining characteristic of money is its fungibility. Nonetheless, as Lori noted earlier today, some percentage of people will be fooled by any idiotic argument – however, funding for Planned Parenthood is still soundly opposed by the American people by a 54-39 margin. Which is why it is a real mystery to find that it is supported by a 58-42 margin in the United States Senate.Please click here for the rest of the post.
2. DSCC picks horse in NV, hedges bets in NM and CT
As Nevada Democratic Rep. Shelley Berkley announced her Senate bid Thursday and quickly won the backing of her party’s campaign arm, other prominent Senatorial prospects in New Mexico and Connecticut linger without the support of their party.The less fortunate pair, Reps. Chris Murphy and Martin Heinrich, were not extended the Beltway blessing because the former already faces a primary opponent and the latter is likely to counter his own.But Berkley–who took great pains to clear a primary field once rumored to include State Treasurer Kate Marshall, Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto and Secretary of State Ross Miller–will square off against her own primary challenger.The efforts of Berkley and her allies to eliminate possible challengers ahead of a primary has lent to grumbling that Washington pols are once more preempting primary voters, selling short local businessman Byron Georgiou, who posted a $1.1 million fundraising haul in the first quarter after committing to a run in early March.So why the uneven endorsement scheme?Please click here for the rest of the post.
3. Gallup: Who Do You Trust on the Economy?
Gallup has a fascinating poll out today which asks the age-old question: who do you trust on the economy? Now, these sorts of polls are always more interesting than they are useful in predicting election results, and tend to produce some results that make little sense (for instance, I categorically reject the notion that 82% of the population even knows who Tim Geithner is). Further, this particular poll has built into it several well-known bias errors (for instance, voters always react more favorably to their Congressman/Governor/etc. than to nebulous groups of Congressmen in general, whether Republican or Democrat). All of that notwithstanding, the poll contains a good bit of bad news for the Democrats.Please click here for the rest of the post.
4. The Poor Aren’t Buying Obama’s Class Warfare
Obama is forcing our troops to fight a politically correct war in Afghanistan; however, he is prosecuting his class warfare with no holds barred. Obama and the Democrats are the Navy SEALS of class warfare. Fortunately, his target audience, the poor, are not impressed with his ferocity. Obama’s support among the poorest Americans has dropped to an all time low, according to the latest Gallup poll. Please click here for the rest of the post.
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