Back in May, the Military Times reported that Jennifer G. Hernandez, 58, was caught trespassing both on the grounds and inside the CIA headquarter building in Langley, VA. On her last visit, she said she was there to see her recruiter, “Agent Penis.”
On April 22, Hernandez walked into the building and said she had come to speak with her recruiter. She was questioned by a CIA police officer who quickly realized she had no business being there. She was not arrested.
On May 1, she showed up again to meet with “her recruiter.” CIA police again turned her away and issued a written warning.
On May 2, she returned a third time, asking once more to see her recruiter. She explained to the CIA police that the recruiter’s phone has been turned off. This time, she was interviewed by police before being asked to leave.
She had accidentally (or maybe intentionally) left her North Carolina ID card behind at CIA headquarters following her interview with police officers. So on May 3, she arrived for the fourth time to pick up her card. According to the Times, “In a last-ditch attempt, Hernandez asked to speak with “Agent Penis.”
This time, officers arranged for her to take a bus home, but Hernandez “refused to board telling officers, do you really think I’m going to leave?”
She was then handcuffed, put into a police car, charged with a trespassing misdemeanor and held in an Alexandria, VA jail for an unspecified period of time.
WTOP reports:
During a status hearing, U.S. District Court Judge John Anderson said he had been informed that Jennifer G. Hernandez, 58, of North Carolina — who is charged with trespassing at an agency installation without authorization for repeatedly visiting the CIA in May — later showed up at Obama’s D.C.-area home, despite the court’s order to stay away from all government-related facilities. She had been released before the trial.
Hernandez’s federal public defender, Whitney Minter, said she, prosecutors and probation officials are trying to find a way to resolve the case without trial, but said she was considering a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity.
Judge Anderson was remarkably patient and kind to Hernandez. He explained, “You have to meet people halfway. We’re trying to help you, not punish you. The restraint the government is showing is unusual and appreciated.” He told her that they all want to “get you to a safer place and get you the help you need.”
He asked her if she would like to speak. “She said she had been “through a lot of turmoil, that a family member had been trying to kill her since she was 36 and referred to unlikely threats. She acknowledged being at the Obama home.” She told Anderson, ”I won’t go back there. Tell me what to do, and I will abide by the law.”
Anderson said, “You shouldn’t be going to places like the CIA and the Obamas’ house. You have to fight the callings, and you just can’t go back there. We all want to get this resolved in a nonjudicial way. Please.” He granted a continuance for a Feb. 11 court hearing.
What a compassionate, thoughtful judge.
I wonder if Barack and Michelle were at home.
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