#NotInMYNameWelcome back to another installment of the Watercooler, RedState’s daily Open Thread! Today, we’ve got… well, we’ve got the start of a new feature series I’ve been thinking on for the Gun Nuts among us.
Guns & Gear Review: FAB Defense AGF-43S Folding Pistol Grip for AR-Pattern Rifles
This week we’re kicking off another new feature here on the Wednesday Watercooler, reviews of various bits of gun-related gear. You’re all welcome to submit requests or add your own reviews, but I’ll warn you up front that I won’t review anything I don’t have firsthand experience with. First up, Israeli firm FAB Defense’s AGF-43S folding AR pistol-grip. It’s a big, heavy, chunky piece of gear, I’d estimate twice the weight of the “A2” grip it replaces. It’s got better finger grooves and ridges than the A2 and a “tail” that wraps around the bottom of the lower receiver providing better support for the web of your hand.
The original AG-43 fixed version is issued by the FBI for its tactical units, and I can see why–a grip’s feel is subjective, but this one fits my hand for a rifle almost as well as a WWII-spec M1911A1 does for a pistol. Why fold? The original intent was for discreet use by Israeli commandos, in places where one wouldn’t want strange bulges in a bag caused by a fixed grip to attract undesirable attention. For normal use in gun-friendly locations it’s a bit gimmicky and the regular AG-43 models are a better fit, but if you’re firing from a bench it’s nice being able to fold it out of the way–retracted it doesn’t hang much lower than the bottom of a typical telestock. And if like me you have hoplophobic neighbors that get strange tingles in funny places at the idea of SWATting you when you’re peacefully heading out to the range, or you have an AR pistol you discreetly store in a vehicle, I could easily see this grip shining in those and similar cases. Interesting observations: the fold, as privately suggested by RedStater “markvol,” can make bag-rest shooting easier without the grip in the way, and it also allows users to reposition the grip to more comfortable firing angles.
A few bugs, though: one, it’s not ambi-capable with a button only on the left side; two, if you’re a southpaw that button protruding 1/8″ to 3/16″ from the side can sometimes poke you in odd ways when gripped at certain angles; and three, the latch for the storage door takes hard pressure with a sturdy tool to pop open. Were I invited by FAB to help design an “AGF-43S-G2,” I would consider either thinning the lower rear area or cutting a notch on the inside centerline in that area and adding a thicker, more accessible “release button,” preferably using something a typical warfighter already has close at hand rather than hauling out a knife or screwdriver.
Bottom-line analysis: WOULD BUY AGAIN. The only reason this grip will not be on my next build is that said next build is planned to be a Marine-spec M16A4; if the Corps authorized it for use I would put it on in a heartbeat, and it’s very high on the list for any future rifles I build not limited by Mil-Spec. It’s not cheap–the lowest-priced option I’ve found them for is around $30 in Olive Drab; no problem if you’re flexible about color or know how to use Krylon, and US distributor Mako Group sends out coupon codes for anywhere up to 30% off (more commonly 10-20; I got mine 30%-off on Black Friday sale, and right now code “GW20” is good for 20% off) fairly regularly, which goes a long way in making gear that defends the homeland accessible for defending the homestead too.
The author was not compensated for this review, and the review sample is courtesy of his own wallet.
Death To NFA Update, Overtime Edition
We did it, cleared a quarter of a million signatures–however, the Petition to Repeal NFA is still open for signatures until the Administration responds. Let’s see how much we can run up the scoreboard! 🙂
This Week In History
- Sunday, 2/19: Rescuers reach Donner Party, 1847; Sickles first acquittal by temporary-insanity, 1859; internment of Japanese Americans ordered, 1942
- Monday, 2/20: Postal Service Act signed, 1792; 8th Air Force “Big Week” to destroy German fighter manufacturing begins, 1944; Glenn orbits Earth, 1962
- Tuesday, 2/21: Texas Rangers win Battle of Valverde, 1862; first telephone directory, 1878; Land demonstrates first Polaroid camera, 1947
- Wednesday, 2/22: Florida bought from Spain, 1819; first Republican Nat’l. Convention opens, 1856; FDR orders MacArthur to abandon Philippines, 1942
- Thursday, 2/23: Von Steuben arrives at Valley Forge, 1778; Gitmo leased, 1903; flag raised on Mt. Suribachi, 1945
- Friday, 2/24: Marbury v. Madison establishes Judicial Review, 1803; Johnson impeached by House, 1868; Tet Offensive pushed back, 1968
- Saturday, 2/25: Colt patents revolver, 1836; U.S. Steel incorporated, 1901; Oregon levies first gas tax in US, 1919
Today’s Birthdays: Founding Father George Washington, 1732; poet Edna St. Vincent Millay, 1892; basketballer Julius “Dr. J” Erving, 1950
Holidays Around the World: Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts worldwide observe the shared birthday of husband-and-wife founders Robert and Olave Baden-Powell, and the island of St. Lucia celebrates their Independence Day.
This Week In History is compiled with assistance from History.com and Wikipedia. Something interesting not listed here? Please share in the Comments section–this is an Audience Participation Encouraged featurette.
Gratuitous Gun Giveaways
- *American Handgunner magazine, for an EAA Witness Pavona .380 pistol package: http://americanhandgunner.com/giveaway/
- *Guns Magazine, for a Franklin Armory M4, Navy Arms 1892 Coyote Killer lever-action rifle, Magnum Research BFR .30-30 revolver or EAA Witness Pavona .380 pistol: http://gunsmagazine.com/giveaway/
- Davidson’s Gallery of Guns, for an FN FNX-45 .45 ACP or FNS-40C MS .40 S&W pistol: https://ggg.galleryofguns.com/
- Aero Precision, for a custom AR15: http://gvwy.io/hlkmxgf
- GrabAGun, for a Smith & Wesson Performance Center M&P Shield 9mm pistol: http://grabagun.com/giveaway
- Primary Arms, for $3000 of AR15 upgrade parts: https://wn.nr/njftDY
*Note: FMG Publishing giveaways require you to provide an FFL dealer’s info at entry. Aero Precision and Primary Arms giveaways give me one entry each per person who uses my referral link.
Quote of the Day
You really have to ask why Conservatives have guns? Because Liberals block freeways, burn cities, throw Molotov cocktails, loot, turn over cop cars, and think this behavior is Socially Acceptable.–unknown, memed by user “KeepnitReel” at Northwest Firearms
As always, the Watercooler is an Open Thread. Now that I’ve gone long-winded Full Metal Gadget Uberfreak, time for me to pipe down and yield the floor to your daily gossip and news nuggets…
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