No mistake about it, President Trump is dealing with a serious illness. Although the prognosis so far is that he is on the way to recovery, he ain’t up to full bore just yet. Fingers crossed, the docs are teasing the possibility of him being sent back to the White House for treatment, as early as this afternoon-evening. Fingers crossed.
That brings me to the lemonade out of lemons part. One of my readers and I had an interesting conversation in which he reminded me of an incident back during World War II. Hitler had decided to bomb Great Britain into submission and then hoped to follow that up with a cross channel invasion. History remembers that phase of the war as the Battle of Britain. Much of the aerial bombing was centered on the industrial centers of London and other major cities. Of course, the people who lived in those areas weren’t at the upper strata of society.
When the bombing started, there was a discussion about moving the Royal Family, especially the King, to safer areas in the countryside. The King, of course, refused. Here is the important part. When bombs did indeed strike Buckingham Palace, the Queen Mother was heard to remark afterward:
I am glad we have been bombed. Now we can look the East End in the eye.
The East End was an area of London almost totally flattened by the nightly German bombing. Casualties were horrific.
President Trump, as he survives this disease and goes back to work, now has a personal affinity with and for our essential workforce. These folks have been out there accepting personal risk each and every day, to provide the rest of us the goods and services we need to survive. They are the firefighters, police officers, food service workers, doctors, nurses, and laboratory technicians. They are the truckers, the farmers, the plumbers, and all the other folks who can’t work from home — and many of them are in high-risk categories.
President Trump, while he has all the communications and staff to help him, really can’t work from home all the time either. He’s the President of these United States and the Leader of the Free World. He would be totally ineffective if he hid in a bunker with a hazmat suit on. In short, he had to take some personal risks to properly do the job we elected him to do. And let’s be frank, not only is he 74 years old, but he is also a bit porky. He’s definitely in a higher risk category than most of us.
Over at American Dr. Thomas Lifson has much the same ideas. He writes:
Rather than seal the doom of President Trump’s re-election battle, as most of his haters expect and not a few of his supporters fear, I see strong signs that President Trump will use his experience with Covid to re-define himself and act as an inflection point, resetting the election.
Read: Trump’s Covid experience will re-define him and reset the election
President Trump accepted that risk — and is now dealing with those consequences. But now, he can look the East End in the eye. He can look all the essential workers in the eye and say, I am one of you. We have all accepted personal risks to care for our fellow Americans. Can Bunker Joe Biden say that? Last time America saw something like this was when President Ronald The Gipper Reagan took a bullet for us.
Hat tip: JA
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