Just when we thought the antics of NY Representative Alexandria Occasionally-Cogent were turning people off from “Democratic Socialism, this just in from CBS Chicago.
CHICAGO (CBS) — Socialism is surging in City Council.
A total of five democratic socialists, and possibly a sixth, won races for alderman either in February or in Tuesday’s runoff elections.That sixth candidate, Rosanna Rodriguez-Sanchez is trailing longtime Ald. Deb Mell by only a few dozen votes. Mell, whose family has represented the 33rd Ward for more than 40 years, is hoping that mail ballots will help her maintain her seat.
Two members backed by the Democratic Socialists of America won in the first round in February.
Carlos Ramirez Rosa won re-election in the 35th Ward. In the 1st Ward, Daniel La Spata defeated veteran Ald. Proco “Joe” Moreno.
Three more DSA-supported candidates won in the runoff.On Tuesday, Andre Vasquez beat Ald. Patrick O’Connor, who was Mayor Emanuel’s floor leader. O’Connor also was named chairman of the powerful Finance Committee after Ald. Ed Burke was indicted on federal corruption charges. That race, and Burke’s fall from power, are all signals of a decline in the old-guard Democratic Machine on the City Council.
In the 20th Ward, Jeanette Tayor, who was also endorsed by the Democratic Socialists of America, easily won her runoff. She succeeds Ald. Willie Cochran, who pleaded guilty to a felony charge of wire fraud for misusing his campaign funds for gambling and other personal expenses, including tuition for his daughter.
Finally, Byron Sigcho-Lopez won his runoff in the 25th Ward. Incumbent Ald. Danny Solis, who has reportedly been cooperating with federal investigators in their ongoing City Hall corruption probe, did not seek another term.
We need to take this seriously folks. Old time Democrats in the city of the “Daley Machine,” are being tossed out on their a….ears by a bunch of upstarts owing fealty to a philosophy espoused by a hirsute old crackpot who has never, ever held a real job. Said curmudgeon who despite his stated antipathy for the “rich,” has managed on a Senator’s salary to collect three, count them, three homes, one of which I’m informed, is a lovely lakefront abode costing more than $400,000.00.
These folks are the ones attempting (and succeeding) to overturn, not only their own party establishment, but are also promoting heretofore bizarre policy initiatives such as “The Green New Deal” and “Slavery Reparations.” We cannot reach across the aisle to them. We cannot negotiate “cost” with them. We must “Alinsky” them. At each and every opportunity, we must subject them to ridicule. We must hound them from the public debate until they cry “uncle.”
Mike Ford is a retired Infantry Officer who writes on Military, Foreign Affairs and occasionally dabbles in Political and Economic matters.
Follow him on Twitter: @MikeFor10394583
You can find his other Red State work here.
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