Ana Reyes says that President Donald Trump's executive order proclaiming there are only two sexes is not biologically correct. She is the federal judge who is likely going to block Trump's order to prohibit transgenders from the military.
With the DOD policy expected to be finalized over the coming week, Reyes said she would hold off on issuing an order but had largely made up her mind about the legality of the order, at one point remarking that “smarter people on the D.C. Circuit would have to tell me I’m wrong” about the policy. She added that the central premise of the executive order -- that only two genders exist -- is “not biologically correct.”
Couple of things. According to well-traveled leftwing ideology, how would she know this? Is she a biologist? No? Lived experience? Okay. I guess. But isn't that just opinion? Oh, judges issue opinions all the time. Well, aren't those opinions based on things other than their personal opinions? Yeah, I thought so. Secondly addressing the comment about "smarter people than me," just wait one....Let me ask that janitor over there for his.
So Reyes is likely to be among the latest of Joe Biden's judicial appointees to manufacture court-formed speed bumps to get in the way of the president's new reforms. With so many of them hitting in the first month of his term, a number of these should move on up to the Supreme Court to see whether or not they will fly. At issue on this one, though, is the DOD's concern about military readiness and proficiency in breaking stuff and killing enemies.
It is the policy of the United States Government to establish high standards for troop readiness, lethality, cohesion, honesty, humility, uniformity, and integrity,” the order states. “This policy is inconsistent with the medical, surgical, and mental health constraints on individuals with gender dysphoria. This policy is also inconsistent with shifting pronoun usage or use of pronouns that inaccurately reflect an individual’s sex.
Seems to me that is pretty much the only reason to have a military, and therefore, should be the most important reason to have a military. If that isn't true, then there really isn't much of a point unless you're a progressive and you want to take advantage of the captive audience and turn it into a social experiment. Now Reyes, openly lesbian, appears to be putting personal liberty ahead of that, and so her opinion just doesn't make any practical sense to me. As a gay progressive judge, I get it that her own bias is likely playing a role here, so I'm sure it makes sense to her. However, I said practical sense. And don't see any of it in her likely soon-to-be-issued ruling. There are veterans who visit this site. There are veterans who write for this site, and I am pretty sure they all knew and accepted that some of their personal liberties were going to be revoked when they enlisted.
We're going to tell you what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and how many times you're going to do it. You can stop when we tell you to stop. And you are all going to do it because you will learn to become a Team.....We're starting with your hair. We're taking your hair.
SecDef Hegseth Orders an End to Enlisting Transgenders
Trump Administration Continues to Stomp the Brakes on Gender Ideology in Sports, Prisons, and More
I have a very good friend whom I have known for a long time. He is a surgeon and was retained as a civilian contractor for a period of years at Ft. Knox, Kentucky. In the middle of the Obama years he and his wife were visiting us here in St. Louis. Sitting around the table one morning drinking coffee, he mentioned that during a staff meeting the previous week with other doctors and medical personnel, new "guidance/directives" coming down from people of higher pay grades were now going to be implemented. Such "guidance" included treatment of transgender soldiers. Treatment that included counseling, therapy, pills, and surgeries. Therefore, some new training was going to be implemented. He didn't say how many doctors would have to actually be required for sex change competency, but he was quite direct that some training in things like combat surgery would be decreased so that training in sex change operations could be increased. Well, the jokes would write themselves if the topic was funny, but the topic isn't.
He also made other points to support his belief that this new direction was stupid, but among his best sellers was, "You know when you have to transition a soldier, they get drugs and therapy. So, they are effectively ineffective for the better part of two years. If they have the eventual goal of getting their d*ck cut off, they're pretty much out of the loop for good."
Other considerations are the different drug regimens that will be required to transition soldiers. If you've ever taken meds, you know that one size does not fit all. Most of the time, and particularly with mental health drugs, you have to try something and then sit back for several weeks to see if they work. If not, you try something else and sit back to observe some more. If there's a chance you're not stable when taking hormone suppressants and antidepressants, who wants to be next to you on the rifle range or fighting hole (nee foxhole)?
Now, I never served, but my father and brother did — the latter for 20 years and an NCO for most of it. A three up/three down guy who was some sort of Big on Marine One under Reagan. Anyway, I remember their stories about military life because I never did get many of them so they stick out. But the aspect of teamwork was always a part of them. They cut your hair off so you all look the same. You wear the same clothes. You march the same, and you train the same. You become absorbed into the Body of Green. If there are special cut-outs for protected classes, like transgenders, this just doesn't happen.
"Sergeant, you have to refer to me as Zim, Zur, or Zowie. If you don't, I'm going to write a letter to the base commander. I also have to be excused from PT today because my Norethindrone makes me too tired to do your pushups."
"Sergeant, I need to be excused from the 10-mile march this afternoon because it conflicts with my 0200 therapy session."
"Sergeant, there are no pads in the head. I need my pads."
I'm really not trying to be funny here. Maybe a little, but the point still stands. If the military has to make accommodations for these, then all it does is call out the differences between the Special and the EverybodyElse. If there are exceptions for the Special, then how does the EveryBodyElse become a team? I don't think they can because all enlisted personnel like to gripe, so there will always be Us and that guy over there — especially when that guy over there doesn't have to participate in today's run through the obstacle course or something. That's not cohesion. If there's no cohesion, there's no team. If there's no team, there's a degradation of combat effectiveness, and if there's that, then there's no "troop readiness, lethality, cohesion, honesty, humility, uniformity, and integrity..."
I don't see how this serves the mission that the DOD is trying to re-establish. But I don't think Judge Reyes is interested in that very much. Judge Reyes wants to curry favor with the progressive current that Trump, Hegseth, and most American voters are swimming against. In my opinion.
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