When the Tariff Sheriff Rides Into Town

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

As the dead, dried up, and useless tumbleweed formerly known as the Biden presidency blew down Main Street on the South end of town, a Force of Nature rolled in from that of the North. Some folks ran for cover, others packed the boardwalks to gawk and create a fuss. 


The Tariff Sheriff had just rode into town.

Now, the good folks that came out to see him could feel that something was different with this one here, but as with many other things in life, they don't always look as good as they might sound right off. They was app...appre..apprehen....shoot...they was Skeptical. However, in almost no time at all changes seemed to be coming. Maybe this was going to be for real.

The townsfolk had watched their little village on the edge of the desert get wrecked by Lawless Banditos from over the border. They had brought with them drugs, women trafficked against their will, orphan children and..and....more drugs. It had taken quite a toll on the people. And sure, these folk would have been happy to lend a hand in some measured cases to the needy, but with a virtual gullywasher of them for four whole years it sapped their clinics, their orphanages, their jails and their money. It did fill up Boot Hill though, but unfortunately with their own sons, daughters, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, and not the ones that brung about this situation in the first place.Old Sleepy Joe, the guy who had previously run the place, always said he couldn't do nothing about it, and for years told folks that's just the way it was. Then he'd suck his teeth and nod off. 


Well, not even dropping into the saloon first to wash out the trail dust, The Tariff Sheriff began changing stuff. First off, he sent word to the Federales by fast rider that if this monkey business didn't stop immediately, a series of steel-cold tariffs was going to be imposed on the lawful stuff they sent over the border. Car parts, machine parts, crude oil, likker and spirits... furniture and avocados, to the tune of $480 Billion greenbacks a year was now going to be tariffed at a rate of 25% immediately, (or a net loss to Mexican business of about $120 billion if my cipherin' is any good.) To them, that's a lot of Pesos. Anyway, as the Tariff Sheriff dismounted and tied up his horse, he leaned up on the hitchin' post, pulled out his pocket watch, glanced at it, slipped it back into his vest pocket and scratched his belly. About 5 minutes later came another fast rider just up from the border.

"Message for ya!' he coughed through a mouthful of dust as he handed the Sheriff a communik..communik..communikay? A note.

The Sheriff took it, read it, smiled and then mounted his horse. "On to the next thing," he muttered to himself as he sauntered on down Main Street, pausing near the end of it so his horse, named Dollar, could relieve hisself on a little bald tumbleweed named Alejandro. Then, he ambled off into the sunset.


Now I don't know much about tariffs. Some folks here say it's just another tax on the consumer and bad business for everybody. But what I do know, is that in less than two weeks after four years, something did get done on the border. And the Mexican Government was brought to heel. Since our economy is stronger than their economy I think we can take whatever hit they could throw at us if they responded in kind. But they didn't. And now they are playing ball. And that's good.


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