Trump Discusses Fox News, RFK Jr., Elon Musk and How Tired Chris Christie Is

(Tom Fox/The Dallas Morning News)

On Monday, former President Donald Trump joined Eric Bolling on Newsmax, speaking of the 2024 primary, post-Tucker Carlson Fox News, disparities in media coverage, and his rivals for the GOP nomination, among other topics. I’ve transcribed the majority of Trump’s comments for our readers.


Look, it’s the most corrupt administration in the history of this country. There’s never been anything like it. Millions and millions of dollars is paid to the family and Joe. And, it’s a disgrace and the media doesn’t pick it up. You pick it up, and Newsmax has been great, actually. But you guys pick it up, but nobody’s picking it up they just don’t want to talk about it and it’s a disgrace.

The mainstream media, they don’t even write stories about it. They don’t talk about it on ABC, NBC, CBS, they don’t want to talk about it, it’s incredible. It would have been the biggest story, ten, fifteen years ago this would have been when the Pulitzer Prize was legit, which right now with the Russia, Russia, where they give it to Russia, Russia, Russia and they don’t want to take it back even though that’s been proven to be wrong — but everybody would have had a Pulitzer Prize, right? Today, they don’t want to talk about it. It is disgraceful the most corrupt administration in history; he’s a corrupt president.


I don’t get into that. I will tell you the submarine is a separate issue, that’s a horrible thing. That’s a horrible way to go. But I can tell you that with or without the submarine it doesn’t matter in terms of what’s going on with our county.

Our country is third world. Our elections are third world, our airports are third world, everything we have now is third world. We’re going to hell. Look at the border, we have millions and millions of people being put in here who were in prison, who were in mental institutions, insane asylums, terrorists are pouring into our country and nobody is doing anything about it.

We had the safest border ever in the history of our country three years ago, and now we have the most unsafe border, I think in the history of the world. No country would have allowed this — you cover it very well Eric — but no country would have allowed this to happen. Millions of people pouring in, nobody has any idea where they’re from, who they are.


They have some really great people, and they have people that aren’t great. But I think their attitude is not good, and they don’t cover the election and they don’t cover the frauds of, that took place. And they don’t want to do it. They’re afraid to do it, I don’t know what their problem is. But, They don’t cover a lot of things they should be covering.

They backed a loser, they backed a guy that can’t win, Ron DeSanctimonious I call him. He’s losing by 40 points, some people say 51 points, he’s losing by that. And, they give him so much time. I watched today they gave him a live — a live presentation — down at the border which was very boring. And all he did is say, “I would use various policies,” and those were all of my policies.

So, and yet, I get the Man of the Decade award last night in Michigan and we had Faith and Freedom on Saturday night and they purposely didn’t cover that speech, and yet I’m the candidate that’s up by forty to fifty points and leading — by the way — leading Biden by a lot also. So, you know, they are very, they’re very prejudiced in what they do, and that’s okay.

Because in 2016, they were just as bad, if not worse, and we ended up winning. And they were very nice the night we won, they were very nice, but you know what? We remember that. No, they’re not doing the job. And I will tell you, Newsmax, is doing a great job. Newsmax, I watch a lot of Newsmax lately, they’re doing a great job.


He couldn’t have won the election without me and then they said “Would you run against the President?” and he said “I have no comment,” meaning the answer is “yes,” three years later. So, you know that’s, I think people value loyalty also, I think it’s very important. I think that’s been really proven. But, no, they’re pushing him, but they’re stopping now because he’s just not a good candidate. When he came to me, he was losing very badly. When I endorsed him it was like a, like a bomb went off, it was like a rocket ship after I endorsed him. But, he was a bad candidate, I call it artificial. When those numbers went up that was artificial. He’s a bad candidate, he’s not good, people don’t like him and that’s proven to be the case. But Fox is pushing him, and they’re not getting anywhere.

They were pushing Jeb Bush with me, they were pushing Jeb. You Remember Jeb? Whatever happened to Jeb? But he had a lot of money, he had a lot of everything, he had Fox’s… they were pushing him like you can’t even believe, as much as they push DeSanctimonious right now. And I would say Jeb didn’t do too well. And Jeb and Ron are very much like each other, you know in fact, Jeb sat next to Ron during his inauguration.


Well, Karl Rove is a RINO. And, Karl Rove — I know Karl Rove very well — but this is a guy that has his own agenda, and I know what the agenda is but the people are finding out. And Murdoch and all of these people at Fox, they want to put him on, they keep putting him on, people turn off when he’s on. And as you said, they’re down massively in their audience because people get it. People understand what’s happening, it’s incredible, actually how smart the public is, but they are watching you. I tell you, your numbers are been very good.


Well I’m leading by a lot, and in many ways, I’d love to, but in other ways, it seems foolish. When you’re up forty points, forty-five points, maybe more than that.

And you have guys like Hutchinson who nobody ever heard of, who’s down at zero, and Christie’s down at one. And, even Mike Pence I saw a number today, it was very discouraging when you look at a number like that… it’s sort of… I feel badly about it but he was down at two and three. Nikki Haley is down at two. You know you really say, ‘What’s to gain by being out there and having everybody shooting at you?’

Then you have a hostile network like Fox. Like when I did the — Brett [Baier] — the interview with Brett, I thought it was fine, I thought it was okay. But there was nothing friendly about it, you know it was nasty. And, I thought I did a good job, I’ve been given credit for doing a good job. But I’ve also.. people said “Why would you do it?” Because it was really — you know everything was like an unfriendly — it was always, everything was unfriendly. No smiling, no “Let’s have fun, let’s Make America Great Again,” everything was like a hit.

So, you know, you have a hostile network, and you have people that are obviously, they are candidates that are against you, and they, therefore, are being hostile. If you’re leading by thirty, forty, or fifty points, what’s the purpose of doing it?


I don’t know whether or not he makes it to the gate. I don’t… I really can’t tell you that. That’s really the question: Will he make it to the starting gate? He obviously, there’s some.. he’s got some problems, some very big problems. Physically, mentally, I don’t know. I mean, you tell me, is he gonna make it to the starting gate? But you know, they’ll come up with somebody.

I will say RFK Jr., who I’ve known — not very well — but I’ve known for a while and I respect him. A lot of people respect him. He’s got some very important points to be made. No, he’s a respected person. He’s at 21, 22, I saw just now. and that’s a lot for somebody that came in with absolutely no chance of winning, truly a lot.


Well, I don’t think … I just don’t think they’ll allow him to debate anybody. I mean, You could put up a child, I don’t they they’ll allow him to debate. They’re not gonna allow it to happen.

I love debating him, but you know that was very quick, our debates they went… and they were protected he was so protected by Chris Wallace. Chris Wallace wouldn’t allow the question, when I said, “Well how come the Mayor of Moscow’s wife gave him three and half million dollars?” Chris Wallace said, “Well that’s not a fair thing for you to ask.”

Well, it turned out to be a big point. Because now everyone is saying, “How come the Mayor of Moscow’s wife gave him three and half million dollars?” I mean, he was so protected, by the… I call them the debate refs. You know who they are refs for? They are refs for him.


We got the gasoline prices down to a dollar eighty-seven, actually, we had periods of time where it was less than that. People were happy. We had the greatest economy in history. In history, there’s never been an economy like we had going.

And then you had… you got hit by China’s gift to us, okay? COVID, or the China virus as I call it because it’s a much more accurate name. We get hit by that, and we brought it back. And the stock market was higher, when I left it was higher than pre-COVID. I mean if you think about it, it was a miracle, the job we did, we actually did it twice.

But there’s never been an economy, the likes of which we built. We had something every single group of people, black, white — everybody — Hispanic, women, men, everybody was at the top of the line. Whether you had a high-school diploma, or you graduated number one in your class from the Wharton School of Finance — everybody — everybody was doing well. It was an amazing period of time, and I think that’s why my poll numbers are so high, ’cause people want it back.


Well, Chris is exhausted, I know him very well. He had a tremendous problem with Bridgegate, he left with a nine percent approval rating in New Jersey. And, I think that’s probably all you have to say. When you say nine percent, the people in New Jersey were very unhappy with Chris, he couldn’t get elected dogcatcher right now, you know so why would he be running for president and do well? So, Chris is at one or two percent and we’re trying to figure out who they might be.


Truth [Social] has been incredibly successful, I have it, it’s mine, it’s beautiful it works well, people going and are flocking to it. I’m getting the word out, I’m really getting the word out, in my opinion, like never before. I was with 350 reporters recently and I said “How many people are on Truth?” and every single one of them raised their hand. We have millions of people on Truth, and the word is getting out.


Well, I like him and I’ve always liked him. And he’s, you know, he’s doing a good job. I don’t know if he… he wished — I think with respect to Twitter — probably he wished he didn’t do it because it’s been tough for him.

But, I don’t think that Twitter is going to be very successful if Truth is around. Truth is a tremendous platform. And everybody that listens to Trump is listening to Truth, that’s what they want.

I don’t think, frankly, I don’t think Twitter can be successful because I’m on Truth. And people want to hear what I have to say, and I say that in a modest way. I’m not saying that in any other way, I just see it.


Well, people are unhappy. The Russian situation would have never happened in Ukraine, if the election weren’t rigged and stolen and it was a disgrace like a third-world country.

You wouldn’t have Ukraine and Russia fighting at all. And, if you want a little proof of that, he never did it in four years, and he knew he couldn’t do it and I told him, “You can’t do that Vladimir.” And, I said it very strongly and he would have never done it, would have never done it.

Now you have hundreds of thousands of dead people, you have cities that are destroyed that were almost like ancient cities, gorgeous, gorgeous, beautiful cities they’re destroyed. They can’t ever be rebuilt, certainly, they can never be rebuilt like they were, they were so beautiful. And such destruction, such a horrible thing, so much death. And this would have never happened, including soldiers from both sides, numbers of people, hundreds of thousands of people are dead. And this would have never happened if the election weren’t rigged.


Full interview below:


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