Dear GOP,
I’m breaking up with you. It’s not like we didn’t see this coming. We’ve had our ups and downs. The Tea Party years were tough enough, but I truly thought we could make it when we elected (who we thought were) more principled leaders to replace at least some of the old guard. Unfortunately, the old guard and their old ways just won’t go away and you seem to be more in tune with them.
To be honest, I’ve been drifting away from you for some time now. I was getting the sense your values weren’t in line with mine and then Syria happened. And, well, let’s just say that Syria really showed me what is important to you.
But the death knell to our relationship wasn’t Syria; although that one cut pretty deep. Nope, it’s your treatment of Senator Ted Cruz. You’d think he was a Democrat with all the open hostility you’ve been hurling at him. Senator John McCain has been reported, for the whole world to see I might add, as f***ing hating Cruz. Now you’ve sent opposition research on Cruz to a reporter, hoping the press would help you in your crusade. No wonder so many Christians don’t vote. On the one side, we have Democrats okay with baby murder and on the other side we have Republicans openly knifing one of their own.
I can’t take it anymore. I don’t know what you stand for. I can’t figure out what your strategy could possibly be. Are we to be the party that folds in the face of any pressure and hangs out to dry anyone in the party that might actually stand for our supposed values? No thanks. I’ll take my vote and dollars elsewhere.
Yes I know my dollars won’t be missed. They are a pittance compared to the money the old guard is stuffing in your pockets to act like losers. But consider this: I’m your base. I’m a Christian, wife and mother with conservative values. You don’t have to like me but you should know I’m not going away. If you want an open fight then we shall have one. I’ll be standing with Ted Cruz and Mike Lee and the few who are brave enough to stand for me. And I’ll be sure to let my mom friends, who mostly don’t care to keep up with your shenanigans, who stands for them.
See you at the polls.
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