Democrats are lost on so many things right now.
Donald Trump's win still has them scratching their heads months later, wondering how they lost. Even without me pointing it out, VIP members could point out a myriad of reasons that this happened without even going back over the volumes written by this and other sites.
The weird part is, the answer isn't that hard to find. Americans are telling them outright what the issue is, and they continue to say so with every 20 position they take in an 80/20 issue. The problem is that no matter how much we demonstrate the answer through our lack of support and verbal communication, Democrats just can't let the answer sink in.
My friend and colleague, Duke pointed this out in a piece he wrote on Monday concerning Bill Maher meeting with Trump and Kid Rock at the White House. This news was paired with a reminder that Maher was definitely going to receive blowback for this from the left. Duke put it well himself:
Bill is so going to get Mean Girled on this for sure. Liberals are a bit fragile and embrace rage as a natural expression for a response and he will become a target.
This is thanks to a bubble mentality and the idea that Democrat votes can be taken for granted, something else Duke pointed out was brought up by Detroit News, which delivered some very interesting lines that should really shine light on where Democrats, and the left in totality, are going severely wrong:
Since Trump’s electoral victory, there’s been no known public meeting of congressional Democrats in a city like Detroit to explain what the federal government’s drastic cuts would mean. That’s because they believe that Detroiters would show up anyway in the next election, forgetting that during the last campaign, Harris got less votes out of Detroit, the party’s most concentrated urban vote in the state.
If you're a political advisor with little or no party loyalty — they exist in large numbers — then you would be pulling your hair out watching the Democrat Party make this massive mistake. You couldn't highlight the problem better if you were training spotlights on it and setting up a giant arrow pointing straight at it with blinking lights around the edges.
The current iteration of the Democrat Party is not working. It has to change, or it will sink into the mud, becoming a tertiary party akin to the Libertarian Party.
But Democrats can't get there. They can't accept the answer, because Democrats are also making something very clear to us, and we need to make sure we fully understand what they're trying to tell us.
They aren't us, and by us, I mean a regular, every day American.
They're not just saying that to conservatives, patriots, Republicans, and right-leaning centrists. They're saying that to Democrat voters who aren't radical and independents who sit on the fence. The left is wholly radicalized, and it has seized large parts of the Democrat Party.
They aren't interested in what the people want, or what's good for the nation. They don't care about the hardships people are going through, because anything and everything should serve the leftist cause. Even your death is shrug-worthy if they believe you died for the advancement of the plan.
They cannot accept any move to the middle. They cannot concede any point. They cannot even speak with the opposition, no matter how understanding and fair they're being. Their ideology — which borders on religious zealotry — forbids it. Any who identify as being even slightly leftist, like Maher, will be branded as traitors and become targets for simply speaking to people on the right in good faith.
The left is making it very clear that anyone who isn't them, or willing to submit to them, is a complication at best and an enemy at worst.
So is it any wonder why their messaging is failing?
It's like those celebrities that insult "flyover country" by suggesting they're ignorant and unenlightened people, then wonder why no one showed up to see their latest movie. Yet, due to their environment, their social circles, and their programming, they can't seem to stop running their mouth every chance they get.
Moreover, as the left's bubble shrinks, and the bitterness of rejection builds, they only become more and more hardened in their heart about it all. You think the Tesla vandalism and intimidation of Tesla drivers is about Tesla? That's just the surface of the issue. This is a rage stemming from rejection and being told they're wrong when they've been told by the media, politicians, and their peers that they weren't just right, but morally right.
They believe they're increasingly surrounded by the worst humanity has ever had to offer. They don't just use the "Nazi" label as an excuse to act out, they truly believe the number of Nazis is growing in this nation, and they now see them behind every corner.
(READ: The Left Thinks It's Waging a War on Tesla, but They're Unaware of the Truth)
How do you message in any attractive way from that kind of position?
You don't.