
Schumer's Rant About Our Money Reveals a Mentality That Should Have Democrats Losing Elections for Years

Win McNamee/Pool Photo via AP

“If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

That was a phrase by former President Barack Obama, and it was a phrase that was so egregiously anti-American that Mitt Romney used it against him in the 2012 election. While Romney ultimately lost that election, that phrase would haunt Obama and the Democrat Party. It still does. 

Not that I don't get the sentiment behind what Obama was saying. His point was that, on a societal level, nobody creates something successful all by themselves. There was the infrastructure of civilization to help that happen, and civilization is a team sport, paid for by taxpayers. In that regard, he's not necessarily wrong. Without society, there's no underlying function to help a business grow. 

But while Obama was right on a logistical level, he was beyond wrong for minimizing the individual in the grand scheme of it all. Without the individual, there is no business. Moreover, without the individual, there is no civilization. There's no taxpayer, upkeep of said infrastructure, and no cogs in the machine that makes up society. Obama downplaying the role of the individual was an insult. 

But it was an insult he couldn't help but convey. In fact, it's one that Democrats overall can't help but hit you with because, in the mind of the Democrat, the concept of the individual isn't just laughable, it's dangerous to them and their agenda. For their Utopia to come about, you can't be a person, you have to be a number. A statistic that fits conveniently into a box that can be used and put aside at need. 

In the mind of a Democrat politician, you exist to serve the state toward a goal of their choosing, not a fearfully and wonderfully made person with hopes, dreams, wants, ambitions, loves, dislikes, likes, emotions, and life. You either serve a purpose, or you're a complication. 

Which means they don't look at your accomplishments and the windfall created from them as something unique and belonging to you. According to them, what you create is something that should serve their purpose. 

Chuck Schumer reiterated this to people recently. As Sister Toldjah reported on Tuesday, Schumer appeared on "The View" to reiterate the Democrat position on what you are to them. When he spoke on tax cuts and business owners, he referred to entrepreneurial Americans as a "small group of greedy, wealthy people" and then proceeded to show the Democrat's cards as he mocked us Americans: 

"You know what their attitude is, 'I made my money all by myself. How dare your government take my money from me?' I don't want to pay taxes.


They hate government. Government is a barrier to people. A barrier to stop them from doing things. They want to destroy it and we are not letting them do it. We are united."

There's a scene from the show "Firefly" where Captain Malcolm Reynolds describes the government's purpose perfectly.

"That's what a government's for... getting in a man's way." 

This is accurate despite the lack of nuance. A government is a necessary evil in a fallen world. It exists to establish rules to regulate the evil impulses of man, and take money from him in order to keep civilization ticking. It has a military that halts dangers that may threaten that civilization. It creates barriers for man in order to help that civilization flow smoothly. 

The issue is that government is run by fallen individuals and needs to be checked and, from time to time, pruned with extreme prejudice. Democrats don't believe this to be true. They don't see it as "getting in a man's way," they see it as a tool to achieve greater heights, and if a little is good, then a lot has got to be better... despite clear historical evidence to the contrary. 

What stops them from seeing logic about the negatives of big government — and I find this part incredibly ironic — is their own corruption, with which they use government to enrich themselves. They don't see the waste, fraud, and institutional abuse as an issue, they see it as part of the process to build their Utopia, but what they don't see is that their dehumanization of the people to build it is really just an attempt to mechanize human beings to create a Utopia for themselves. It's hard to see that when you're using it as an avenue to live large yourself. 

And this should disqualify Democrats from office for years to come. Until they can see humanity as individuals, each with a story, a personality, and a life, they cannot be allowed to step foot into power, because this kind of thinking about humanity is, at its core, evil. 

This is why the Democrats could shut down the livelihoods of millions during the pandemic with zero guilt. This is why they can advocate for the death of babies in the womb (and apparently out of it) with a clean conscience. It's why they can advocate for "unrest in the streets," effectively encouraging riots that destroy property, cause injury, and sometimes even death with little bother. 

It's because you serve no other purpose than to advance their cause, and if you have to suffer for that to happen, then that's just how the cookie crumbles. You either serve the agenda, or you serve the agenda. You are not a person, you are a tool. 

This is not a mentality that should be allowed anywhere near the halls of power. When the Democrats talk like this, be sure to hear what they're actually saying to you. 


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