I'm not going to lie about this, but when I wrote about Kid Rock pitching this idea last week it was crazy and probably would never happen.
READ MORE: Kid Rock Has an Idea That Needs to Happen: Inviting Bill Maher to the White House for Dinner
Yet here we are.
There are two parts to the story about Bill Maher on his latest podcast and show but I'm going to break a rule in media that usually suggests you stretch out the thing that you really want to focus on last but I'm going to reverse it and talk about that first.
On his show Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO he was talking about how badly the democrats are faring in polling but on his podcast Club Random he revealed that Michigan native Kid Rock had arranged a meeting at the White House with Donald Trump.
Holy... well, you know.
When I read this right HERE I had to double-take to make sure it was real.
Maher revealed on his Club Random podcast that he’s set to meet with Trump at the White House, according to a preview shared with Mediaite ahead of the Sunday episode drop. The meeting was put together by Kid Rock and Maher dismissed any potential criticism he’ll receive from the left.
Bill is so going to get Mean Girled on this for sure. Liberals are a bit fragile and embrace rage as a natural expression for a response and he will become a target.
As I said in my post last week when this first was brought up: Kid Rock saying he was going to try to arrange a meeting with Maher and Trump is actually how the adults in the room used to act. We used to have family members or friends that you didn't see eye to eye with politically but you can overlook that because they were qualities that you appreciated and that individual.
Not anymore.
Everyone and everything has to be political all the time, and if you're not on the right side of an issue your phone number will be discarded and messages won't be returned. The political divide has become so deep in this country that the Grand Canyon looks like a little creek in your backyard.
Kudos to Kid Rock for doing what Americans used to do quite often in this country: Act adult-like with people who don't see eye-to-eye with and invite them to break bread with each other.
The second part of the story that I imagine will come up when Trump and Maher meet is that Bill believes Democrats have lost their way and he's wondering what the hell is going on and why they're not trying to change course.
On Friday’s Real Time, Maher argued people are “voting with their feet” and leaving blue states due to overregulation and high taxes, and this is bad news for Democrats.
Maher cited the American Redistricting Project, which is projecting Democrats will be losing congressional seats in blue states like New York and California while red states like Texas and Florida are set to gain seats by 2030.
“I mean, this looks like game over. And the reason why people are voting with their feet is a lot of what your book is about: taxes and regulation,” Maher said to New York Times columnist Ezra Klein, referencing his book Abundance. “I’ve certainly been screaming about it forever. I did three years with a sign here that said, ‘How long is it gonna take me to get my solar hooked up? Three years. Talking about it on television in this state, you couldn’t do it!”
Just wrote about this the other day right here at Red State that it did not seem like Democrats actually learned the lessons from the November 2024 election. The longer this goes on in my opinion the better it is for the country.
Most of the analysis I have come across has been paper tissue feelings that Hitler 2.0 is back in the White House. There has not been much serious discussion that I have found other than that people didn't know how bad Trump was or how good Harris was.
Here is just a brief example of what I have seen:
Since President Donald Trump won a second term, shocking political pundits and the Washington establishment, the Democratic Party has been struggling to figure out why it lost. In that process, the party has sought to shift blame to its loyal constituencies that did not show up for the party’s 2024 standard-bearer and former Vice President Kamala Harris.
While that may be true to some extent, what the party has failed to recognize is that it has a chronic messaging problem. Some of the political insiders it dispatches to speak to voters are out of touch with the realities on the ground regarding the everyday struggles of rural and urban America. They have no clear-cut message to captivate supporters who are willing to rally around its national candidates.
I can't disagree with the old trope that it is a messaging problem because, a lot of times, it probably is.
As I said above messaging is part of the problem but when you're messaging if you believe biological boys or men should be playing sports pretending to be girls or women you've lost the vast majority of sane America.
Messaging is not going to override common sense.
Maybe when Kid Rock brokers the meeting between the President and the host of Real Time, he can make sure that they discuss these grand issues and come to an agreement that can help fill the political divide.
Also if there's an extra ticket or room at the table I promise I'll be extremely quiet and just sit there and listen to the discussion.
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