The left has devolved, and I mean that word very pointedly. At some point, they departed reality and didn't come back.
When the left did so, the Democrat Party went with it... or perhaps it was the other way around. Either the radicals in the colleges raised what we know today as the left, or Democrat politicians, who constantly used the moral equivalent of war angle with every issue that came about, created an entire populace of people ready to believe that not getting their way meant the end of the world.
You tell me if the chicken came before the egg.
The left is now comprised of a lot of cluster-B types, people who are so over-dramatic and self-obsessed that they see every complication or hurdle as life-threatening, and they will fight as if their lives depend on them winning the day. These people are literally insane, showing up at places dressed like lunatics and angrily screaming, breaking things, and throwing adult temper tantrums. They believe themselves to be things they aren't, the most popular of which is believing you're a different gender than what you were born as.
Take June Rose, for instance. According to Libs of TikTok, Rose is a "queer Chief of Staff for the Providence, RI City Council and Democrat Delegate to the DNC." Apparently, he likes to wear dresses.
Twenty or so years ago, this man would have been considered an absolute loony. He is one, but in today's "compassionate," and "inclusive" world, this man is taken seriously. He should not be. He should be given meds, not authority.
But the sad fact is that he does have authority within the Democrat Party, and that's a huge part of the issue. The Democrats have made this man a part of their city council and a DNC delegate.
This is now the Democrat Party... and I don't see how it survives.
The Democrat Party is at a fork in the road at this point. Either Democrat voters clean it up by voting out these lunatics and putting more pragmatic people in charge, or it dies. Those are currently their two options, and only one leads to the party continuing on.
The thing is, I don't see that happening. The Democrat Party is dying, and that was seen with Trump's overwhelming popularity. Before the TKO in November, I was reporting about how Democrats weren't leaving their self-identification as Democrats but were still voting for Trump. These poor souls didn't have a choice, because he was the only one in the room looking to run the country with realistic standards.
The Democrats had proven they were more concerned with ideological radicalism and continuing forward with methods that demonstrably didn't work.
I don't see this changing. These Democrat voters will soon start identifying themselves as Republican after a time because they won't have any choice but to. The alternative is the party of Rose, and that dude is clearly a psychopath. The only way Democrats pull out of this is for the more sensible of them to gather together and reorganize the party into something a bit less cluster-B and a bit more American.
That could happen, but the path of least resistance is just to be a Republican now. As Trump continues to improve the country, that's only going to make it easier for these Democrats to drop the D and adopt the R; and as the left continues to feature men in dresses acting like children as Trump makes things better, it'll practically be a greased up slip n' slide to the right.
Here's how I actually see this playing out if someone on the Democrat side doesn't rally voters to take the party back from the lunatics...
The Democrat Party won't be destroyed, but it will become somewhat of an afterthought party, much like the Libertarian Party is. The Republican Party will grow by leaps and bounds, becoming the dominant party in politics, but before anyone gets excited, let's remember this won't be all good. The Democrats within will still be Democrats, and have ideas that don't necessarily jibe with conservatism or libertarianism.
The Republican Party will start to drift slightly to the left, causing a civil war of its own, with various factions fighting for control of it. This could do one of two things.
The center to center/left gains control of it, and the Republican Party becomes something a bit more centrist than the anti-authoritarian voters in our country like, sending more right-leaning and freedom-oriented voters to create or adopt a new party of their own. This could end up being a newly created political party, or possibly a semi-hostile takeover of the Libertarian Party. That counter-party will grow in strength, becoming the new duopoly.
The more conservative voters manage to hold onto the Republican Party, sending centrists and center-leftists back to the Democrat Party where they will regain control of it, putting the Democrat Party back into a position it should have been in all along.
I believe the latter is probably more likely to happen. The question is, how much time will it take. Once Trump is out of office, I believe this shift will start to take effect, so we have at least a few years of peace before the battle for the Republican Party begins.
Or neither of those scenarios happen, and something completely unlooked-for takes place. Weirder things have happened.