
The Left Is Grasping for Reasons Why Kamala Harris Is Losing and Naturally It Lands On Men

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Kamala Harris is not doing so well. The polls now show her campaign sinking beneath the waves, and we're now seeing her agree to go on shows like the Joe Rogan Experience and Fox News to talk to Bret Baier, which you wouldn't have caught Harris doing dead a couple of months ago. 

Not that anyone should be surprised by this. I said when she was first installed as the Democrat Party's presidential candidate that she'd experience a "Disney dip," or an initial bout of excitement followed by the realization by the public that this is a crap product, and it should be ignored if not derided for the insult of being presented to us in the first place. 

If you truly want to know how the Harris campaign is fairing, then take a gander at the fact that finger-pointing has already begun, and like Disney, now that a woke product has been weighed, measured, and found wanting, that finger is pointing at the most dastardly societal villains of all... men. 

As pointed out by Newsubsters, a wave of media is now hitting the corporate news stations with the message that Harris is actually really great, it's just that America is so sexist and men are the problem. 

Laura Coates said Harris needs to elevate herself above America's sexist views during her appearance on Bill Maher: 

This is a woman of color in a society that has….elevated white men historically, consistently, presently, and they believe in the future as well….Those two things really can have an impact on how the electorate sees her and the viability of a woman in office, a woman at the helm, talking about global politics. People will say, ‘What would another country feel about a woman leader because there’s never been one.’ And so those two things don’t give her wings, they give her anchors. It’s her job to elevate it.”

Senior Staff Editor New York Times Opinion David Swerdlick also pointed to men as the issue.

“There is a sexism component to this race," he said on CNN NewsNight with Abby Phillip. "There was a sexism component to the Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump race. Right? If Trump wins, he will have only ever beaten women. I can’t give you a number, but sexism is in the mix here, but it’s not black men specifically, I think it’s men.”

“There is a sexism component to this race. There was a sexism component to the Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump race. Right? If Trump wins, he will have only ever beaten women. I can’t give you a number, but sexism is in the mix here, but it’s not black men specifically, I think it’s men.”

According to the Washington Post's Alexi McCammond, Trump is in a cognitive decline and the only reason he's still afloat is sexism. 

Those are not only the folks who are not only not voting, but if they do vote, they are most likely, according to polls, going to vote for someone like Donald Trump because of mis and disinformation and because of sexism, as we know. With the idea that women are just not as strong as men as leaders and this idea that even though Donald Trump is clearly suffering cognitive decline and does not have the mental acuity to be president.”  

Sexism this. Patriarchy that. You get the picture. 

The thing is, historically speaking, America is hardly a sexist place. In fact, looking around, you'd see that the culture we live in is very gynocentric. Women succeed more than men do in University settings, and Universities do what they can to cater to women. In various cities, women actually out-earn men financially. Corporations roll out the red carpet for women and appeal to their sensibilities, even going so far as to denigrate men to do so. 

That's not even mentioning the fact that America went through a lot of effort to make it so that women could vote and have equal rights in the first place. 

As it stands, the argument for America being a sexist place is that it hasn't elected a female president yet, and women can't just get abortions as easily as they buy lattes. To be fair, there are sexists out there, but the system is hardly sexist. Besides, most of the sexists in America are found on the left. 

(READ: Why Aren’t We Talking About the Abusiveness of Male Feminists?)

The reason Harris isn't succeeding in her race is the same reason Clinton didn't. It's not sexism, they were just awful candidates with awful ideas. Their personalities are abrasive and off-putting. Harris is so bad at coming off as natural and personable that it would be better if they just wheeled out a manikin dressed like her and just had it stand motionless on a stage. 

Men, as a general rule, aren't sexist. That's not the issue. In fact, one of the bigger issues is that the Democrat Party has been insanely sexist. 

The Democrat Party, and the left in general, has a serious problem with men. It definitely wants to attract them, but after years only denigrating and insulting them in order to make women believe they're being oppressed by them, they've lost the ability to relate or speak their language. 

As I write this, Tim Walz is currently going on a media tour, attempting to attract masculinity back to the party. It's going great... 

If the left truly did want to attract men, it would treat them with respect, but it can't. Feminism has soaked so far into its foundations that if it did start treating men like people instead of monsters, it would collapse the entire platform. Even if the DNC did start handing out the marching orders that it needs to start saying that men are actually great, the overly-educated leftists in the media aren't going to be able to control themselves. 

You can see the examples above for proof of that. 

The bottom line here is sexism might very well cost Harris her campaign, but it's not the sexism of men, it's the sexim of the left. 


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