
Why Aren’t We Talking About the Abusiveness of Male Feminists?

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

I'm constantly being told by corporate media, political activists, and entertainment creators that masculinity is evil, dangerous, and needs to be lessened, even feminized. I'm told that masculinity is toxic and that we need to teach boys early on that their more boyish mannerisms should be curbed and tamped down in order to be better and help make a more equal society. 

Meanwhile, as my fellow men and I are villainized for merely existing as we are, we're given examples to emulate. We're shown men who are less aggressive, more caring, softer, empathetic, and focused on equality. This is the enlightened male. He's gentle and supportive. He listens and makes is open about his emotions. 

He is the male feminist, and according to the mainstream left, he should be the ultimate goal for every man to be. 

During the 2024 election, this kind of man has been pushed on society as the gold standard for males relentlessly. During the DNC, we were told that Democrats were presenting a new way for men that actually came off more as a desperate means to find an excuse for a lack of actual masculinity there. 

(READ: MSNBC's Joy Reid Was Forced to Defend the Left's 'Masculinity' to Excuse the DNC's Lack of It)

One of the names mentioned constantly was Doug Emhoff, the second gentlemen and husband of VP Kamala Harris. The man is consistently shoved in front of other men as an example of how we should behave according to the people that hate men and think their very essence is disgusting. 

Here's Jen Psaki telling Emhoff that he's become the figurehead for the modern masculine movement. 

Of course, peel back the window dressing, and you'll find a horrible, horrible man. A man that knocked up his nanny during an affair, impregnating her, abusing her until the pregnancy failed, then hauling off and hitting his date over the mere suspicion that she was flirting with someone else in public according to reports. 

(READ: Doug Emhoff Reportedly Slapped Ex-Girlfriend 'So Hard She Spun Around' in Public Altercation in 2012)

Emhoff is not a good person, but the fact that he's not a good person doesn't surprise anyone whose been paying attention for the last decade or so. I don't mean to him, I mean to the kind of man he represents; the male feminist. 

The stories are countless, and you've probably heard some yourself. You might've even seen the male feminist's true colors on display in various ways. Most commonly, you can see it online. You'll see these men white knight for women, telling you to "listen and believe," and chastising you for mansplaining. They recite lines about the patriarchy that they heard from a university professor... but the moment a woman poses a disagreement or steps out of the approved line the left set for women, these men turn vicious and awful. They start with the name-calling, insulting appearances, making accusations about their sexual habits. You name it. 

Women tell stories of dating male feminists, exposing the manipulative, abusive, and nasty nature hidden beneath their supposed "respect for women." 

Even in the Harvard Crimson, a woman wrote of her disdain for male feminists due to their true nature. She fundamentally misunderstands the issue, coming to the conclusion that men should be even more feminine, but buried within is a truth: 

This is the “woke misogynist” that Nona Willis Aronowitz wrote about. This is the self-proclaimed feminist man who proudly attends the Women’s March and reads Judith Butler and casually throws around terms like “gender performativity,” but who also harasses, talks over, belittles, and sexually assaults women.

This is the man who prides himself on his progressive politics, who puts anti-Trump and Support Orlando filters on his Facebook profile pictures, but who then calls Tomi Lahren a “useless bimbo” and “whore” on the Occupy Democrats Facebook page.


This is the man who uses his feminist credentials as a shield to defend himself against women’s claims that he harassed or assaulted them—because how could he, a feminist, possibly participate in the oppression of women? After all, he is not like those other men. He voted for Hillary Clinton, attended a workshop on consent, wrote an op-ed about women’s rights—how could he possibly perpetuate systemic violence against women?

Women on forums also discuss their awful experiences with male feminists. One user on Reddit's "TwoXChromosomes" Subreddit told the story of how she was manipulated by these types of men into believing they were everything she ever wanted, only to have the mask ripped off one day to reveal an abusive, manipulative villain: 

One treated me like maid, shamed me for my eating habits, was obsessed with me being stick thin, and was massive poorly kempt slob of a hypocrite. I would eat a single piece of fried chicken and then suddenly I was grotesque. Meanwhile he's over there stuffing his face with fast food 3x a day and sitting in dirty underwear. He wasn't like this the first year of our relationship. I guess he just thought he had me stuck.

Second guy was just worse. Almost all the components of the other guy. Everyone thought he was this super liberal, super empathetic, "woke" dude who would do anything for anyone. He was a fucking rapist. He threatened to rape & murder me and confessed to previous sexual assaults against women. But again everyone thought he was this super progressive dude who respected women. Nightmare. It almost drove me to suicide.

The only thing I've learned is that if people are really harping on the fact they "are good people" it's that they aren't. The "male feminists" who always went on about how "feminist" they were were literally just wolves.

As you can see, there is a well-established pattern here. Make people believe you are a caring, empathetic man who understands the plight of women and will stand up for them. You will use your masculinity, not for the toxicity you see men often accused of, but to advance the cause of "equality." Then the facade drops and it's discovered that you're actually a massive piece of garbage. 

Probably one of the most famous exposures of a male feminist is director Joss Whedon, a man who was lauded as the ideal male feminists to a point where they almost created an entire field of study around him. But then after he directed "Age of Ultron," the stories started to come out from various sources, including from people like Gal Gadot and Ray Fischer that Whedon was far from the feminist hew as lauded to be, citing abusive and unprofessional behavior. His ex-wife penned an open letter for "The Wrap" detailing how Whedon was unfaithful and sexist during their marriage constantly. 

But one of the worst stories came from Charisma Carpenter, who played Cordelia in "Buffy" and "Angel." According to Vulture, Carpenter painted the picture of a man who was just plain cruel: 

In a long Twitter post, she wrote that Whedon had a “history of being casually cruel.” After she became pregnant, heading into Angel’s fourth season, he called her “fat” to colleagues and summoned her into his office to ask, as she recalled, if she was “going to keep it.” She claimed he had mocked her religious beliefs, accused her of sabotaging the show, and fired her a season later, once she had given birth. All the joy of new motherhood had been “sucked right out,” she wrote. “And Joss was the vampire.”

Hardly any of this is new news, yet the mainstream and corporate media seems reluctant, if not completely unwilling, to address the elephant in the room. Their reaction would be to say that not every male feminist is like this, and they'd be right, but it's a large enough problem that it deserves to be discussed. The truth is that there is something dark lurking within the group of male feminists, and it's infected quite enough of them that reports about their real personalities aren't hard to find. 

The fact is, we're often told masculinity is a form of evil that has to be checked, but it's pretty obvious that a lack of masculinity causes a real issue, not just for society in general, which needs masculinity to function properly, but it causes an issue within men. When it's not present, something goes wrong, like a loose gear or a burnt out wire. These men suddenly become unmanly. They abuse women and display both emotional and physical cruelty to them. 

The lack of masculinity is the issue, not the presence of it. 

As usual, the proof is right in front of us, but it's highly unlikely that mainstream leftism will ever admit to it, which is par for the course. 


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