If Biden Really Wanted to Trip Up Harris for Backstabbing Him, He Only Needs to Say One Thing

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

There's tension between the Biden and Harris camps, and it's hard not to see it at this point. 

The issue has become so apparent that, as Bonchie reported on Tuesday, a Kamala Harris spox went on Fox News to answer Neil Cavuto's questions about it, and instead of giving an outright "no, everything is fine," Ian Sams came back with some nonsense about she's worried about January 6 because "Hang Mike Pence" was something chanted that day. 


You see less dodging in a dodgeball tournament. 

As I covered in the past, Biden has been demonstrating some very odd behaviors that don't exactly do Harris any favors. Putting on a Trump hat, walking up the Air Force One's stairs holding a hat that has the same red hue of a Trump hat, sweeping her legs out from under her while appearing as a guest on The View, and probably most damaging of all, complementing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis's handling of Hurricane Milton as he's beefing with Harris who said he wasn't doing it well. 

(READ: Is Joe Biden Signaling His Spite for Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party?)

All of these look like middle fingers pointed at both Harris and the Democrat National Committee. Biden has every reason to do this, too. They stabbed him in the back after it was clear he had no path to victory. He made the Democrat Party look weak, and for a party obsessed with power above all things, Biden's failure during his debate with Trump was an unforgivable sin. He had to go, and he didn't want to. They forced him out anyway, and now the man who dedicated the vast majority of his adult life to the party had to watch as the party pushed him out and abandoned him. 


To be fair, he should have seen that coming. The Democrat Party doesn't have friends, just relationships of convenience. If you advance the party, you're the toast of the town. Become a hurdle and you're as good as roadkill. 

That said, if Biden really wanted to take the knife out of his back and drive it into the Democrat Party's, particularly Harris's, he really only needs to do one thing. 

Just say, on a live camera where everyone can watch it happen in real-time, that Donald Trump is not a threat to Democracy. 

That's it. That's all he has to do to unravel years of effort to make Trump seem like an unforgivable super villain. He could say it during a committee meeting offhandedly, or let it slip during a moment at the podium. It could be during a moment with the press while walking to Air Force One. Just one little moment. 

Yeah, he even said Trump was a threat to democracy himself a few times, but he did so at the behest of those in the committee, and now the tides have turned. One word about how Trump isn't as bad as all that in, that would send the news cycle into a tailspin. They would have to make commentary about how Biden has actually been mentally unwell. This would, of course, throw into question how long he's been mentally unwell and how long the Democrat Party has known. 

They would have to send spokesman from all corners of the kingdom to reassure people that yes, Trump is actually the reincarnation of Hitler and that if he's elected, women will be forced into red cloaks and stupid white hats, gays and trans people will be lined up against walls and terminated, and yes, the United States of America will cease to exist. 


It would drive the left to hysterics, highlighting just how ridiculous they are. 

All it would take is for Biden to say Trump isn't as bad as people think. Maybe even throwing in a little compliment too. The moment Biden did it, the left would go apoplectic and the Harris campaign would see an inordinate amount of wind taken out of its sails. The internet would be replaying that moment for weeks. It would appear in Trump ads. 

And it would be the ultimate insult to Harris, the DNC, and the leftist attack machine. It would be Biden's ultimate revenge. 

The Democrat Party deserves nothing less. It's entire approach to governance has been a complete disaster that's wrecked a country that, for all intents and purposes, should be thriving right now. One could only imagine where we would be if Trump was still in office now. We'd certainly be a far more respected country across the globe, Russia wouldn't be in Ukraine, Afghanistan would be secure and safe, and our economy would be in stellar shape. 

Who knows? Maybe it's better all this happened so that the Democrats could truly demonstrate how they're irresponsible swamp creatures unable and unwilling to do the right thing by the American people. It would be fitting for the final blow before it lost power to come from within the camp. Biden, the worst president of all time, could have a redeeming moment, even if it was born out of spite, and help give rise to an age of Republican governance. 

Either way, no matter how this goes, it's going to be a tooth-and-nail kind of fight. The media isn't going to let any of this just happen. They'll destroy Biden if they have to, even though they spent a lot of time propping him up and singing his praises. 


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