Watch: When the Government Fails to Uphold Justice, the People Take Justice Into Their Own Hands

AP Photo/John Minchillo

In a place where the government fails to do its job to protect the people, the people will rise up and do it themselves. Vigilantism is the inevitable result of "soft on crime" policies. This is exactly what one illegal alien figured out when he was jumped by New Yorkers after he allegedly sexually assaulted a 13-year-old girl. 


According to the New York Post, Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, an illegal from Ecuador, is suspected of forcing a male and female teen into an isolated part of Kissena Park in Queens at knifepoint in broad daylight, where he then bound them both with shoelaces and proceeded to rape the girl. The two teens ran to a nearby school and reported the incident. Police then posted a $10,000 bounty for the assailant. 

It wasn't long before Inga-Landi was recognized. According to The Post, Jeffrey Flores recognized him and waited for him to reappear in a store he shops at: 

“I seen him a few times — he comes to this store to buy stuff,” Jeffrey Flores, who pounced on the creep. “I waited for him. I waited the whole day to see if he would come up. He came at night.

“He came in, we went to buy something,” Flores, 24, told The Post. “I saw what he was trying to do, he looked back at me. I waited for him to come out the store and dragged him to the floor. A couple people helped me.”


“He tried to fight back,” Flores said of the good Samaritans’ encounter with the suspect. “He tried to run for his life but he couldn’t. Yeah, he admitted to it. He was saying, ‘Alright, alright, alright. Don’t hit me, don’t hit me.’

The Post reported that Inga-Landi made his way into the U.S. in 2021 through Eagle Pass, Texas. He was taken into custody by CBP agents and then released, where he made his way to Queens. Police issued three summonses and even encountered him in a domestic violence situation, but he has no arrest history in New York. 


Flores was interviewed by NBC 4 as well, openly talking about how he took Inga-Landi down, adding that he has two little sisters of his own to look after. 

A more complete video of Inga-Landi's beating was posted to X. You can see how the crowd had bound the man, and he attempted to escape street justice by crawling under a car until police arrived.

In May, vigilantism was on the rise in New York after a mob of people attempted to get past police to assault Shaquan Cummings, 30, who had been accused of slashing an 11-year-old girl in the head with a box cutter. When he was caught, a mob was attempting to administer street justice, with only police between him and angry New Yorkers. 


If police hadn't been there, there probably wouldn't have been much of Cummings left to take to prison. 

This should be a clear warning sign that if New York politicians don't start coming down hard on crime, then the people will. 


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