Feminist Discovers That the Patriarchy Is Actually Pretty Great

feminism, feminists, social justice warriors, SJW

Aww, feminism. The socio-political ideology that's convinced millions of women that the only thing a woman needs to be happy is to embrace everything that makes them stressed. 


It pretends to be a movement striving for equality, but two things are becoming increasingly clear. For one, feminism is a female supremacy movement that's been infected with intersectional leftism to boot, and secondly, women don't actually want equality by and large. 

Sure, they want equal rights, and society is more than happy to give them that, however women crave things by nature that require something of an imbalance. They want a strong, capable man to make them feel safe and protected. They want to have the heavy lifting and dirty work done for them regarding various tasks and necessities. On top of that, they want to be provided for.

This is all perfectly natural. The sexual dynamic of the human species is geared precisely to allow men to provide for the needs of women who then, in turn, turn a house into a home and bring up children in it. 

In the modern age, this dynamic has been skewed and corrupted as feminism has convinced women to enter the workforce and demand high-paying jobs and positions, and abandon the male/female dynamic to eliminate the man from his position as the provider and pave their own way. This has caused an imbalance that has left both men and women unhappy. 

However, a glitch in the Matrix occurs and an anomaly is created every now and again. A woman who identifies as a feminist will experience the natural dynamic and become confused. They begin to rethink things and begin drifting toward the traditional gender role set out for them. 


Such as this girl who's now going viral around the net. According to her, she went on a date with a traditional "bro" guy and was shocked when he paid for every single thing they did on their date. After the experience, she's completely rethinking her approach to life. 

This isn't necessarily an uncommon discovery, only this girl is lucky to be discovering this at a younger age. Sadly, many women have been expressing grief and sadness about embracing their sexual dynamic well into their 30s when children become more and more unlikely. 

This is becoming something of an unacknowledged epidemic for women who are uploading more and more videos confessing their regret for having embraced the feminist lifestyle that requires independence and self-reliance. 

Here's the brutal truth. 

Women have these natural urges and desires, but men have natural urges and desires as well. A man wants to exert himself to garner more resources that he can then give to a woman who can then use it to keep his home and raise his children. If the woman is already in a position where she provides for herself, the man becomes irrelevant and disposable, and so men tend to gravitate away from this kind of romantic situation. 


It's no mystery why marriage rates are declining rapidly as women continue to make more money and achieve higher positions in the workforce. 

This has left many women lonely, bitter, and regretful. 

It's one more piece of proof that feminism is not something that women should embrace and that feminism's true goal isn't the empowerment of women but the degradation and elimination of them. It takes them out of their position as caregivers and homemakers and puts them into the position of being subservient to a business or manager. 

While this lifestyle works for some women, it clearly doesn't work for all or most of them. Feminism pretends to be a one size fits all kind of ideology but it's just not. Not every woman needs or wants to be a super independent person who doesn't need or want a man. That's just not reality. 

Increasingly, the reality of feminism is that it's fun when you're younger and you regret it entirely when you're older. Feminism, like communism, rides completely against human nature. 

But that's the nature of these trendy ideologies. Their ideas often sound good on paper but in practice, they're destructive and menacing. They cause societal degradation and push the natural order aside to the detriment of humanity. The only way they get away with it is by preying on the ignorance of the young and selling these bad ideas with shiny and pretty gift wrapping. 


It's not always popular to call out these things, especially in corporate and leftist cultures, but it needs to be called out nonetheless. 

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Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals. 


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