
There Is No Success Under Your Own Terms if You're In a Protected Group

The idea behind America is that no matter who you are or where you come from, you can rise to become something great. A person whose family lived in abject poverty can rise to become a billionaire with the right application of hard work and perseverance.

However, it’s becoming increasingly clear that this isn’t how the left views America at all. In fact, they spend an inordinate amount of time convincing people that success is all based upon the color of your skin. It’s a part of a big lie meant to convince people that without them, there is no upward movement in your life.

According to them, in order for you to succeed you have to first fight and demolish the systems holding you in place. A system built for white men, who are the enemy of everyone else.

This lie is part of why the left is so successful. It can assign blame to misfortune and take credit for success. Success, however, has to be had under their terms. If you break away from the box they put you in, you can bet that you’ll be canceled and made out to be an enemy. It doesn’t matter what protected group you belong to. In fact, the more of a sacred cow you are to the left, the more you have to fit inside their societal box.

Your daily life must conform to the rules they set for you or else you’re an outcast and a pariah. Case in point, this story from the Daily Mail shows you just how rigidly you must follow the rules.

What’s described as a “disabled trans activist” was canceled. Why? Simply because the place she worked at:

A disabled trans activist and author was canceled by a super woke mob after their job at defense contractor Lockheed Martin was revealed by a Twitter user.

Ana Mardoll, whose books have sold thousands, was first doxxed on July 30 as being employed at Lockheed’s Fort Worth facility.

In response to the allegations, Mardoll did not deny that they worked at Lockheed.

The activist wrote on their now-deleted Twitter account: ‘I’ve been aware that someone is trying to dox me and @ everyone I know in the process, so I might as well address some things here. I’m sorry I have to do this.’

This person was labeled an “activist,” meaning she had done work to advance the cause of the transgender community. Mardoll is an author who writes books that often include all sorts of characters that fall into the LGBT category:

Their Amazon profile goes on to say that Mardoll works include characters that are bisexual and polyamorous loves, transgender and genderqueer characters, disabled characters dealing with chronic pain and mental illness, survivors of sexual violence with post-traumatic stress disorders.

Their titles include, No Man of Woman Born, Cinder the Fireplace Boy: and other Gayly Grimm Tales and Transcending Flesh: Gender and Body Diversity in Futuristic and Fantastical Settings.

That doesn’t matter at all. The fact that this person has probably done more to normalize transgenderism than most people matters little. She works at Lockheed Martin. She falls outside of that arbitrarily approved bounds and, as a result, must be exiled.

This goes to show you that the left isn’t actually interested in you making a life for yourself. If you play by their rules, you don’t really have a choice. You must stay inside the bounds they set for you or else they will punish you. They don’t actually care about you, they only care about how your life can add to their narrative.

That’s it. Be an example of how you can survive outside of their bounds and you’re done.

Why on Earth would anyone want to live under their “protective” umbrella? It looks more like a prison than anything else.


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