Joe Biden’s State of the Union Speech seemed, in ways, a march back toward the middle but anyone who knows better will understand that a lot of this is just Biden being the pander bear that he is.
One of the things he did was to promote the idea that the police needed to be well-funded and well-trained. It’s a sentiment that I couldn’t agree more with. Police are necessary for the health and stability of society, and if there’s one thing we’ve learned lately, it’s that defunding the police results in crime and murder skyrocketing.
It’s been a hard lesson for multiple Democrat-run cities to learn, including the most left of leftist cities, San Francisco.
Needless to say, the spikes in crime and murder turned the public against the idea of defunding the police pretty quickly, and with that came the Biden administration’s decision to stand opposed to the idea of defunding the police. Thus, at the SOTU speech, the president made it clear that we need to be giving them more money.
“We should all agree: The answer is not to defund the police. It’s to fund the police. Fund them. Fund them. Fund them with resources and training. Resources and training they need to protect their communities. I ask Democrats and Republicans alike to pass my budget and keep our neighborhoods safe,” Biden said during the SOTU.
Surprising no one, this angered someone who writes at the New York Times, as reported by Fox News. The author, Charles M. Blow, was apparently furious that Biden wanted to fund the police and accused him of trying to appease the “law-and-order crowd.”
Yup. He’s right.
Do I believe Biden actually wants to appease the “law-and-order crowd”? Not really. Does he believe that funding the police is actually a good thing? I hope so, but even if he did, it wouldn’t matter.
Biden is a D.C. creature. He’ll sail whichever way the wind blows — and right now, it’s blowing in the direction of funding police being the popular move. If tomorrow it became highly popular to be pro-life and everyone turned on the abortion industry, then so would Biden, who would likely tell you that being pro-life has always been a closely held belief because of his Catholicism.
If tomorrow Catholicism became wildly unpopular, he’d ditch that, too.
But in this case, Biden’s pandering is paying off for the people. We clearly want the police funded as a vast majority and he’s not going to risk upsetting that many people. Moreover, his promotion of funding police departments in the interest of protecting society is exactly what he should be doing.
Given that, Biden is trying to tie his police funding bill to his Build Back Better nonsense, but regardless, this is what he’s supposed to do. His job is to see to it that the people are protected and that he does their will.
Reading Blow’s rant, it’s clear that he’s a far-leftist who is primarily concerned with racial issues and racial issues alone. He’s angry that Biden didn’t really delve too far into race throughout his speech, even complaining that his announcement of his Supreme Court nominee didn’t include the fact that she was a black woman.
But who cares?
Biden’s job isn’t serving the activists, it’s serving the people, and here we see one of the few moments where he’s actually fulfilling his role as a facilitator of the people’s protection. It’s a welcome change after he’s failed to do this in almost every other aspect of his presidency, be it the economy, the border, or foreign policy.
Leftist activists have zero concern for this country’s well-being and seek only to fulfill their political agendas. The Democrat Party has effectively slaved itself to this agenda. If this teaches us one thing, however, it’s that bad polling is still effective and upsetting the majority of America on an issue still speaks volumes.