New Project Veritas Sting Exposes New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy's Hidden Plan to Abuse Taxpayers

New Jersey’s Governor Phil Murphy seems to have a lot of plans but many of them are plans he’s hiding from the citizens of his state until after he’s won reelection. As Project Veritas has been exposing, some parts of his agenda are being kept secret for fear that if they went public, the Independent and undecided voters would turn against him.


And for good reason too.

In their first video, Project Veritas exposed Murphy’s staff admitting that once he wins reelection, he’s going to institute a vaccine mandate on the populace.

(READ: Project Veritas Exposes New Jersey Gov’s Plan to Fool Voters Into Electing Him so He Can Enforce Vaccine Mandates)

Now, it would appear that Project Veritas also got his staff to admit that once reelected, he’s going to utilize taxpayer dollars to fund illegal immigrants in the state without his constituents knowing about it.

Once again, we can see Murphy Campaign Senior Advisor Wendy Martinez, the star of the last Project Veritas sting, saying very definitively that the governor plans on allocating millions of dollars to illegal immigrants, but isn’t saying anything about this until after he’d won his battle with GOP challenger Jack Ciattarelli.

The journalist in the video shows the undercover journalist pushing Martinez on “recovery” funds and noting that the “excluded workers” is really code for “undocumented workers.” She then revealed that the number of dollars being shifted toward these illegal workers.

“I think it’s 40 million dollars [being allocated to illegal immigrants], something like that — and to designate that at this point would be political suicide,” admits Martinez who then confirmed that getting him elected comes first.


Martinez informed the undercover journalist that the money had actually already been given, but that Murphy will say nothing about it yet, as doing so would be “suicide.”

Matthew Urquijo, the Manager of New Jersey Forward, who also appeared in the previous Project Veritas sting, more or less confirmed the plan.

“I think there’s definitely [going to be] more aid, especially [since] this will be his second term. The goal is to win even more seats in the legislature so that we can like, just push — push through.”

Murphy is clearly trying to pass himself off as a more moderate candidate to undecided voters but his true form is a leftist radical with plans to check off boxes in a radical Democrat agenda.

This is the same Murphy who pushed for a mask mandate on children as young as kindergarten while he, himself, didn’t think it necessary to mask up while at a Democrat event.

Lying by omission is still lying, and these past two Project Veritas videos are nothing short of two massive lies.


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