The FedEx Delivery Man Fired for Refusing to Deliver to Pro-BLM/Biden Houses Deserved It

(AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar, File)

Last week, a Federal Express driver named Vincent Paterno released a TikTok who vowed that he would not deliver packages to any house that supports President Joe Biden, VP Kamala Harris, or organizations like Black Lives Matter.


As reported by the New York Post, Paterno made an expletive-filled TikTok where he said if houses fly flags or have signs promoting any of these things, he’s going to take their packages back to the station and will continue to do so.

“What’s up TikTok. Just wanted to come on here and let all you know, if you have a Joe Biden, Kamala f—king camel toe posted up in front of your house, Black Lives Matter — I will not deliver your s—t,” he said.

“I will not deliver your s–t. I will bring that back to the station. And I’ll keep doing that s–t. Have a good day.”

FedEx made a statement that they were “appalled by the behavior depicted in this video” and that it does not reflect the views of the company, adding that Paterno has been fired.

I agree wholeheartedly with this decision by FedEx to fire this man and for a myriad of reasons.

For one, Paterno may disagree with these people so vehemently as to be angry with them but it’s not his call to withhold their belongings from them. The move becomes especially sinister when you consider that some of these packages may contain important items like medications or medical equipment from residents in the home. If that was the case, then Paterno would be guilty of causing serious injury or death.


Secondly, if FedEx had just allowed Paterno to get away with it, then it would have set a standard for all other drivers, and possibly those in other delivery companies as well, and remember, that sword has two edges. If right-leaning drivers can deny packages to left-leaning homes, then left-leaning drivers will start doing the same to right-leaning homes. Now no one is getting their mail and we have one more thing bowing to the political whims of random people.

But more important than anything is the aspect within my second point.

We’re currently suffering from a serious issue in our nation with politics becoming the ruling factor in any given situation. Ideologically-driven outrage is behind things we detest like cancel culture, and it’s a poison we agree is killing us as a nation. We do not help the national culture by giving into this weak-minded method of dealing with political disagreement.

I’ve already been discussing this on Twitter and I’ve received a handful of people disagreeing with me and claiming that in order for the right to win we must subject the left to its own tactics. The problem with that is that “winning” for the right doesn’t necessarily mean total domination over every aspect of American life. The point of America was always to have varying ideas and methods of doing things living together in a form of harmony within the Republic. The left’s methods were always the unwelcome and alien ideology that ran counter to the American ideal.


We’re quite literally being un-American when we devolve into using these intolerant and immoral tactics. It’s up to us to fight and conquer these ideas, but we’ll never do that if we’re embracing them ourselves. Even if we do win, we bring that aspect of their evil with us into the future.

We have to leave behind this kind of thinking that Paterno demonstrated. We can’t defeat our enemy only to become them, and become a kind of people who punish people for being different in mind or body.

We are not them, and anyone who claims to despise their enemies does himself and his allies no justice by becoming them.


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