A bar owner in Elgin, Texas, has decided that wearing a mask inside his bar should be prohibited, but his reasoning is pretty solid.
According to KXAN, co-founder of the Liberty Tree Tavern, Kevin Smith, has told customers that if they believe they need to be wearing a mask then they don’t need to be at a bar, they need to be staying home.
“Due to our concern for our citizens, if they feel the need to wear a mask, then they should probably stay home until it’s safe,” reads the sign on the front.
Smith told KXAN that he’s still observing certain safety guidelines, but admits he’s acting out against self-important people who take it upon themselves to go overboard with their own fear and police others. His customers seem to agree:
“It is more of a push back — the snitches, and the contact tracers out there,” said Kevin Smith, Co-Owner of the Liberty Tree Tavern. “This is still a rural county.”
Kevin Smith says he’s still following social distancing guidelines as set in place by the Center for Disease Control.
Since the Liberty Tree Tavern shut down, Charles Chamberlain has been eagerly waiting for it to open back up. He says he’s not fazed by the tavern’s posting.
“I’m a stage 4 cancer survivor. It’s just a choice. He just put that up their to let people know if they aren’t feeling good, then they maybe shouldn’t come,” said Charles Chamberlain. “Everybody is keeping safe distances, they aren’t bunching up.”
I can’t disagree with Smith’s reasoning. Many people are ready and raring to go out and enjoy themselves. The fear of the virus seems to be on a fast decline. If someone is absolutely worried about the virus still, then they should hide away and leave everyone else alone.
Even Elgin residents seem to agree according to KXAN:
“I don’t know anyone personally, and I know a lot of people, that’s gotten the virus or has died,” said Sherrill Schier, owner of ETX Travel in Elgin.
Sherrill Schier is not a mask wearer, but does have them on-hand for her customers.
“People are just comfortable. We are a small town, we don’t have a lot of crowds. We are okay,” said Schier.
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