Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo is so into making sure the rules are followed that she’s requested that you become a snitch and openly report on businesses that are open when they shouldn’t be or over capacity, directly violating the rules set forth by the state.
“See a restaurant at full capacity? Businesses open that shouldn’t be? Help us save lives. If you see violations of Governor Abbott’s order, please report them at: tweeted Hidalgo. bit.ly/Covidform1,”
See a restaurant at full capacity? Businesses open that shouldn’t be? Help us save lives. If you see violations of Governor Abbott’s order, please report them at:
➡️https://t.co/mOaXNNI1by⬅️— Harris County Judge (@HarrisCoJudge) May 3, 2020
Thing is, even if it is an order by Governor Greg Abbott, many people in Texas don’t seem to be willing to snitch on their fellow Texans and community business owners. Judging by the responses Hidalgo received, both Texans and those watching from outside of the state gave her a resounding “no.” Possibly even a “hell no.”
Looks like your website broke, Lina. pic.twitter.com/Dm48M2swDv
— Ken Webster (@KenWebsterII) May 3, 2020
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) May 5, 2020
Isn’t this the same place that told criminals to “chill” till this is all over with? Effing Stalinist morons.
— Chad Prather (@WatchChad) May 3, 2020
— WuhanTangoFoxtrot (@aleykhat) May 3, 2020
— Kung Flu Zoo (@LouiseCOVID19) May 3, 2020
— RENT FREE 🌽🌽🎈🎈🎈 (@GBRFORLIFE) May 3, 2020
— Typo (@TheRealTypo) May 3, 2020
Asking other people to snitch for you is the fast lane to turning the populace against you, especially here in America. Bucking authority is in our blood and what’s more, asking us to live in consistent fear of something that we can see isn’t the world-ending virus we thought it was will only make those look at you with disgust.
Furthermore, this isn’t a totalitarian state. While there are doubtless people out there who are bitter enough to be the state’s goons, we’re still a country that cherishes freedom. That means that asking people to violate their own ingrained principles in the name of “safety” is definitely going to earn you a few enemies.
Benjamin Franklin was very clear about what happens to people who sacrifice their freedom for safety, and it’s not advice we’re soon going to forget.
Well…most of us anyway.
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