BRUTAL: Border Patrol Union Blasts Kamala Harris for Her Cosplaying Visit to the Border

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

On Friday, Kamala Harris finally made time to go to the border. That she waited until the final days of a presidential campaign wasn't lost on many, including the agents doing their best to bring order to the chaos.


SEE: Harris Barely Bothers to Speak During Her First Visit to the Border

In a staged scene, Harris walked around in high-heeled boots, touring the border wall she once called a "racist vanity project." During a speech, she then proclaimed that only she would take the border seriously and had a plan to fix the ongoing crisis there. Left unsaid was that 13,000 murderers and 425,000 convicted criminals had been released into the interior by her administration. 

SEE: Kamala Harris Hardest Hit After ICE Releases Stunning Data on Convicted Illegals

Here's a bit of what Harris' visit looked like. Compare it to her past statements in which she called the border crisis pure fiction.


There's a high level of shame one must cease to possess to do what Harris did here. This is the same woman who disgustingly accused CBP agents of whipping illegal immigrants on the border. That turned out to be a salacious smear completely void of reality. She never once apologized. Harris has also repeatedly suggested funding for ICE should be cut or eliminated. For her to go to the border a month before Election Day and cosplay as if she cares is everything wrong with American politics. 

Do you know who knows that? The rank and file of the Border Patrol. They put out a blistering critique of Harris' visit. 


Kamala Harris has been in office for four years. She was given the specific task of addressing the root causes of illegal immigration to stem the flow. She failed miserably in that role. No one should believe a word she says about taking the problem seriously. That those who make up the Customs and Border Protection are coming out against her in such a pointed fashion speaks volumes. 

If Harris wins the election in November, the crisis she helped create will only be exacerbated. She will push for amnesty, which represents a giant flashing sign telling more illegal immigrants to come, and she will do nothing substantive to increase enforcement. American voters must be smart enough to recognize that.


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