
Kamala Harris Has a Laziness Problem

AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson

After bursting onto the scene amid an avalanche of "vibes," Kamala Harris' campaign has hit a rough patch. The latest high-quality polls show the race is now a toss-up. On Sunday, The New York Times showed Trump up a point, and then on Tuesday, Marist dropped its latest offering showing Harris only up one. That was a two-point drop from their last release.

READ: Hilarious Cope Flows Like Fine Wine After Times Poll Shows Trump Leading

Something is brewing, and it's not hard to diagnose what's causing Harris to falter during the most crucial point of the campaign. Mid-September is go-time. It's when a nominee should be hitting their stride, not regressing. Harris is taking a step back, though, for one simple reason: She's lazy. 

As RedState reported, the Harris campaign was recently caught copying and pasting Joe Biden's policy platform. That's not a generalized accusation that she just lifted some of his ideas. Harris copied the source code from the president's old campaign website. 

That's just pure laziness. She and her handlers have had nearly two months to formulate a policy platform and put it online (and longer than that given Biden's ouster was clearly planned ahead of time), and when she finally does, it turns out it was stolen. It exposes a sense of entitlement and a belief that Harris can just coast to victory without having to put in the work. 

That's not the only example, though. Take Harris' refusal to do a press conference, something that's simply unprecedented for a presidential nominee at this stage of the race. Doing a press conference means having to answer questions off-the-cuff, and that means having to do prep work. You can't just show up at the podium without having any understanding of what your own policy positions are. 

Harris doesn't know if she's for or against something on any given day. A press conference would be a disaster for her, and she and her handlers know it. Could she take the time to study and prepare so that it might go differently? Sure, but she won't, because again, that would require actual work.

Do you know what the biggest example of Harris' laziness, though? It's her penchant for spinning word salads when asked the most basic questions. 

HARRIS: I often note and have talked with many of you about our shared belief that our world is increasingly more interconnected and interdependent. That is especially true when it comes to the climate crisis, which is why we will work together and continue to work together to address these issues, to tackle these challenges, and to work together, as we continue to work, operating from the new norms, rules, and agreements that we will convene to work together on to galvanize global action. 

What you just read is a statement by someone who glanced at her notes (written by someone else) on the plane ride over and put zero effort into knowing what she was actually saying. The repetition of words and the "I forgot to do my book report" stalling she continually does when answering questions is not just a personality tick. It is a symptom of someone who has had everything handed to them in life. 

Harris began her political career receiving lucrative board appointments from the married man she was having an affair with. She has since rode a wave of identity politics and partisan rancor to the vice presidency, and she truly believes she deserves to be president simply by dent of existing. That laziness isn't serving her well down the stretch, though, and her campaign is going to have to adjust. The problem is that Harris has no work ethic so even if she does start doing press conferences, they are likely to be a net negative for her. 

Perhaps none of this matters in the end and she squeaks out a victory, but for now, it's a liability. The press is starting to wake up to her slothfulness, and you're seeing more and more hysteria in response to the real possibility that Donald Trump could come out victorious. I don't think Harris can sleepwalk to November given her current regression, and that's going to open more doors for the former president to gain ground.


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