Harris Releases a Video of a 'Phone Call' With Tim Walz That Is So Bad, People Thought It Was Parody

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

After a relatively disciplined campaign launch, Kamala Harris continues to prove that she is indeed still Kamala Harris. The picking of Tim Walz to be her running mate was a reminder that despite the full-court press to pretend she's a great politician, she's just not. 


SEE: After a Week of Speculation, Kamala Harris Selects Her Running Mate

That's been largely hidden because the mainstream media have not only sung her praises, but they've sat by as Harris has refused to answer a single question regarding her run for the presidency. All the backroom dealings and throwing out of primary votes that got her to this point might as well not exist. Still, it was just a matter of time before Harris' worst instincts bubbled back up. 

Case in point? Harris released this video of her "calling" Walz to ask him to be her vice presidential nominee. 

This is one of those instances where transcribing the video is pointless. I could type out what is said, but anyone who can't hit play isn't going to see what makes it so incredible. The cackling? It's there. The weird tone that Harris often falls into as if she's addressing a child? It's there. The dead giveaway that she's reading a script about halfway through the video? That's there too. Walz's performance isn't much better, with him sitting on a porch in a camouflage hat, clearly trying way too hard to signal he's "working class."

RELATED: MN Gov. Tim Walz Accused of Cowardice and Embellishment of Army Service By Former Peers


It's so inauthentic and overproduced that many people online wondered if it was a parody at first. After all, with the proliferation of AI, anything is possible. But no, it's real, and it's not spectacular. It's just pure cringe and a reminder of just how fake Harris is.

With that said, who on her campaign team keeps thinking these videos are a good idea? Do they think we can't tell that they are professionally shot, heavily scripted, and focus-grouped to the hilt? Are we supposed to believe cameras were randomly present as she made the call? Heck, I'm not sure Saturday Night Live could make something funnier if they tried. 

With three months left until Election Day, the real Harris is going to be shown. She can't hide who she is, no matter how much her handlers try to keep her under wraps. That's good news for Republicans, or at least it should be if they can take advantage of it. That's, as always, an open question.


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