Pale, Senile, and Not Ready: Joe Biden Embarrasses Himself While Gaslighting on Tariffs

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

As panic continues to fester within the Biden campaign, the president and his handlers are trying a new tactic: Lifting Donald Trump's policies. 

ALSO SEE: Biden Campaign Desperation Sets in, Now Saying the Polls Are Fake


Pale, senile, and not ready, Joe Biden took to the podium in the Rose Garden on Tuesday to talk tariffs. Of course, as we'll get to, the possible need for them is the result of yet another terrible policy instituted by the president. No one is better at shooting themselves in the foot than Biden.

Do you know what Biden won't put a 100% tariff on? Things like cobalt, graphite, and lithium, both of which are needed for the production of electric vehicles (duties on those materials will be 25 percent according to the White House announcement). Now, take a wild guess who controls most of the world's supply of those things, either directly or by proxy? Yes, that would be China. 

This was something many Republicans warned about when Biden passed his ridiculous and damaging electric vehicle subsidies. It was essentially an outsourcing of America's transportation sector to a hostile communist dictatorship. Democrats soldiered forward, though, passing the laughably-named "Inflation Reduction Act" (inflation rose again last month), creating an incentive system that greatly benefits Chinese interests. 


Faced with cratering poll numbers, Biden is looking for an out, and putting a show with tariffs is his way of changing course. The problem remains that electric vehicles never should have been given tax breaks in the first place. Instead of letting the market work, a system was created that rewarded investment into electric vehicle production. Those chickens have come home to roost, though, with automakers seeing losses on those investments because very few people want an electric vehicle. 

Biden is also looking to put tariffs on semiconductors from China.

He was attempting to say "chips" there, but as usual, the jumbotron of a teleprompter he uses wasn't enough. Regardless, Chinese semiconductors are generations behind, making them all but useless for American manufacturers. There's a reason the communists have their eyes on taking Taiwan, which is the world's largest supplier. Biden might as well have put a tariff on edible bug imports.

After the speech, a reporter asked the president about recent criticism from Donald Trump regarding the administration's policies toward China. Here's what he had to say, and try not to laugh.


One of Trump's primary initiatives was isolating China with tariffs and trade deals. When all that was happening, Biden gave a big speech slamming the former president's policies. Now, he's mimicking them while claiming they are somehow different. They aren't. 

I'll end with some classic Biden senility on display

This speech took place at the White House, and the president still had to have someone point out the way to go. That such a scene plays out after almost every event Biden does should give no one any comfort. Does anyone want this guy making trade policy with China? 


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