John Fetterman Sticks His Finger in the Eye of the New Jersey Democrat Elite

AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

John Fetterman is sticking his finger in the eye of the Democrat elite again. That's been a running theme the last few months as he's opposed his party regarding support for Israel, the border crisis, off-shoring jobs, and Bob Menendez's corruption. He even managed to trigger the ladies on "The View."


READ: John Fetterman Takes on the Screeching Ladies of "The View" in Mind-Bending Segment

These are heady times, my friends. 

In another shunning of his party's establishment, Fetterman is endorsing Andy Kim for the U.S. Senate in New Jersey instead of Tammy Murphy, who is the wife of the state's current governor, Phil Murphy. 

As a conservative, Fetterman puts me in a very weird, if not uncomfortable position. First, it seems likely that Republicans aren't going to compete for that Senate seat as long as he wants to remain in it. Fetterman not only won his election going away, but his demonstration of pragmatism in the face of screeching leftists has made him one of the most popular senators in the country. 

That's the cost of the GOP nominating Mehmet Oz, an unpopular and controversial television personality, to go up against him. 

Hey, don't blame me. I tried to warn everybody.

READ: Donald Trump Makes His Worst Endorsement Yet - Dr. Oz


Second, I know that even with Fetterman's sudden turn toward common sense and moderation, we are still going to disagree on probably 80 to 90 percent of the issues he votes on in the Senate. In that way, he's very much settled into the lane Sen. Kyrsten Sinema drives in. She'll stop the filibuster from getting blown up, saving the nation in some respects, but she's still pro-abortion. It is what it is on that front, but I'd be a hack if I didn't show her some respect for standing up on such an important issue.

That's how I'm starting to feel about Fetterman. During the 2022 election campaign, perhaps because his far-left wife was so front and center, I just assumed he'd govern as a radical. He hasn't, though, and I have to give him credit for that. Not too much credit because he's going to inevitably tick me off at some point, but he deserves some. 


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