That Controversial Satan Statue in the Iowa Capitol Building Just Got Beheaded

AP Photo/Hannah Grabenstein

A controversial satanic display in the Iowa Capitol Building has met its end, at least for now. 

For those unacquainted with the origins of this story, the "Satanic Temple of Iowa" decided to abuse a provision that allows public displays of religion on state property. To accomplish that, the group set up an "altar," complete with a goat head placed on a mannequin, and then proceeded to mock anyone who might find it offensive. 


Welcome to the United States, where we can't even enjoy a simple nativity scene anymore without some ridiculous, petty clowns ruining it for everyone. 

For days, the display remained in place amidst the condemnation of Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, who called for prayer in response. That was until Thursday, when one man decided to take a more direct approach.

Michael Cassidy, a military veteran, took matters into his own hands, destroying the display. The "Satanic Temple of Iowa" responded by saying the "altar" was damaged "beyond repair." Cassidy gave the following explanation of his actions.

The world may tell Christians to submissively accept the legitimization of Satan, but none of the founders would have considered government sanction of Satanic altars inside Capitol buildings as protected by the First Amendment. Anti-Christian values have steadily been mainstreamed more and more in recent decades, and Christians have largely acted like the proverbial frog in the boiling pot of water.

No doubt there will be people, even on the right, who will argue that destroying the display is a violation of principle. The argument will be that if we allow a nativity scene then we must also allow whatever displays other "religions" want to put up, including satanic ones lest our nation descend into an autocratic theocracy or some such.


I just don't buy it. The Founding Fathers of this nation would have ripped that display down and set it on fire. Better yet, they would have never allowed it to be put up in the first place. It's okay for common sense to prevail in a case like this, and common sense says that a nativity scene is not the same as a satanic display put up only to provoke a negative response. 

We'll see if Cassidy ends up getting arrested. Some conservatives on social media are already raising money for his legal defense. Would the state authorities (which are mostly GOP-led) want to step on that landmine? I guess we'll see.


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