Tucker Carlson to Interview Man Who Claims He Had an Affair With Barack Obama


Tucker Carlson is teasing a new interview with a man who alleges he had sexual relations with former President Barack Obama. The minute-long promotional clip is interspersed with some of the questions that will be asked as well as a brief preview of the man's central claim. 


According to past statements by Carlson, Larry Sinclair approached him, offering to sign an affidavit and take a lie detector test. Carlson went on to say that "he did," and that is likely what led to this interview.

CARLSON: You're just a guy who's in town for the night and it sounds like you're looking to party. 


CARLSON: Pulled up in a bar outside, and there's this guy that's introduced to me as Barack Obama. I had given Barack $250 to pay for coke. I start putting a line on a CD tray to snort, and next thing I know, he's got a little pipe and he's smoking so I just started rubbing my hand along his thigh, and it went the direction I wanted it to go. 

It is important to note that Sinclair's claims are not new. He made the same accusations when then-Senator Obama was running for president in 2008, though the story gained little traction and was roundly dismissed. For further context, Sinclair is a convicted felon and has been in prison for forgery and fraud, among other things. He also tried and failed to run for mayor of a small town in Florida in 2018. Individual viewers will have to decide how Sinclair's past speaks to his credibility or lack thereof.


Carlson's full interview will air on Wednesday. Whether there is any proof offered of Sinclair's lie detector results or other evidence to further corroborate his story is not known at this time. RedState can not confirm any of the allegations being made in Carlson's interview.


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