AOC and Rick Wilson Hilariously Melt Down Over Trump's CNN Town Hall

AP Photo/Alastair Grant

How a person feels about Donald Trump’s CNN town hall performance will largely depend on where they aligned politically prior to its airing. For Trump’s most ardent supporters, it was exactly what they wanted to hear, with the former president addressing everything from January 6th to his accusations that the 2020 election was stolen. On the other hand, it’s a very real question whether Trump spending most of the forum defending topics that have proven toxic to the general electorate does anything to help beat Joe Biden.


But I don’t want to talk about any of that. Instead, I’d rather just enjoy the spoils and laugh at the left-wing meltdown that is ongoing in the aftermath. Sure, people can argue over whether Trump helped or hurt himself with the independents that will decide the 2024 election, but what’s not arguable is that he managed to make all the right people mad.

Let’s open things up with this absolute gem from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, which she shared on Twitter and then reiterated on MSNBC.

Hey, if you can’t debate them, just censor them, right? That seems to be the suggestion from Ocasio-Cortez, who shows no interest in actually addressing anything Trump said. Instead, she complains that he was “platformed” and insists that there should have been “consequences” for him interrupting the moderator.

On MSNBC, she called the town hall “shameful.”


I tend to think that if someone’s ideas are really good, they don’t need to censor their opponents to win the argument. What atrocious disinformation is she talking about? Let’s say there was some. Then why can’t she just point it out in detail and rebut it? She’s literally appearing in front of a national cable audience. That would seem like a perfect time to offer a stunning counter.

She can’t do that though, because as I wrote recently, Ocasio-Cortez is a paper tiger. She’s a do-nothing politician that sticks to cliches and safe spaces because stepping outside her comfort zone would risk exposing just how weak she is, even within her own party. It’s all fun and games while she’s winning a deep blue district and getting Vogue profiles. But to actually defend her claims? That’s beyond her ability.

But I do have one good thing to say about Ocasio-Cortez: She’s not Rick Wilson.

(WARNING: Language)

If you need a refresher on who Wilson is, he’s the former Republican turned The Lincoln Project founder who lost his mind after Trump was elected and never regained it. In the clip, he’s absolutely seething during his profanity-filled rant decrying Chris Licht and how Trump called the police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt a “thug.”


I mean, is it really that serious? Is it really necessary to get so worked up over a political opponent getting to speak? I mean, when’s the last time a Republican launched into an obscene rant because Joe Biden was given a town hall on cable news? But that’s where the left is now. Because they can’t defend their policies and their records are filled with failure, they are left with only one option: Silence those who disagree with them.


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