Last night, I wrote on The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg attempting a clearly coordinated hit on Donald Trump (see The Media Vomit Up Another Anonymous Hit Piece On Trump, and It’s Obviously Garbage). The story alleged that the President had slandered dead marines as “losers” and that he didn’t want wounded veterans at his military parade.
As I wrote in my original piece, this story is obviously nonsense. Trump has always made it a habit to laud the military, including those that have lost limbs or died. Any disagreements he’s had with military members have always centered on politics, usually involving someone attacking him first. One can argue the wisdom of some of his counter-attacks, but there’s no evidence Trump has ever held animosity towards those in the military.
In fact, there’s plenty of evidence to the contrary.
Now, on the record denials and documentation are emerging that further show Goldberg’s piece to be low-rent gossip trash, likely fed to him by disgruntled former administration officials.
Yet more on-the-record debunking of @JeffreyGoldberg’s anonymously sourced hit piece, including a contemporaneous email. “White House officials deny Trump disparaged war dead and say he was 'livid' he could not visit French cemetery” https://t.co/omaPCRLWVh
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) September 4, 2020
Former and current White House officials angrily denied a report that President Trump disparaged American war dead, saying instead that he was “livid” that bad weather meant he could not visit a French cemetery for U.S. soldiers killed in World War I.
The controversy stems from 2018, when Trump was expected to lay a wreath at Aisne-Marne American Cemetery and Memorial, a trip abandoned at the last moment on the grounds that heavy rain made conditions unsuitable for helicopter travel.
There’s are also emails and documents from the time period in question which shows the real reason Trump wasn’t able to go to the cemetery in France that day. For the purposes of debunking Goldberg’s report, this is not even arguable.
White House official has sent an image of redacted email apparently showing "bad weather call" was indeed cause of Trump not attending Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in 2018.
Dan Scavino and Stephen Miller were also both there – and deny Atlantic storyhttps://t.co/jQNgHX0Fd7 pic.twitter.com/Gzre4oYEs9
— Rob Crilly (@robcrilly) September 4, 2020
On that Atlantic Story – @JeffreyGoldberg and his "four sources" claim Trump's helicopter flight to the US/French cemetery wasn't cancelled due to weather.
FOIA docs prove this to be false.
Their "sources" are failing basic fact checks – making them essentially worthless. pic.twitter.com/wAa7FrSxoW
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) September 4, 2020
Lastly, John Bolton, who is fresh off writing an anti-Trump book, even corroborates the above email, mentioning nothing about Trump slandering military members as well.
The opening to the much-discussed Atlantic article, and the same events as described in John Bolton's memoir. https://t.co/1PQQXY8eoJ pic.twitter.com/JS32FJx9Ez
— Byron York (@ByronYork) September 4, 2020
I expect more people to go on record saying this story is simply false over the course of today. Meanwhile, The Atlantic is still operating under the guise of anonymous sourcing when it makes no sense to do so. There is no risk to bashing Trump publicly? Why would every single source demand to stay anonymous when the worst that could happen is they get a book deal?
Pay attention to who’s not talking either. Gen. Kelly is mentioned specifically in the story but has stayed silent and not confirmed it. If he continues to hold his tongue, it’s yet more evidence this story is fake, either made up whole cloth, or being fed by lying sources. Gen. Kelly does not like Trump and would have no reason not to say “yes, this happened.”
In the end, this is desperate ploy and shows that the left are really starting to sweat about November. You can expect plenty more anonymously sourced hit pieces to drop over the next 60 days. This is their game and they won’t stop until they feel like they’ve thoroughly defeated Trump.
(Please follow me on Twitter! @bonchieredstate)
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