Joe Biden released a new campaign ad today targeting black Americans, and it is one of the more morally depraved things I’ve seen seen from a political party in the last several years. The release was timed with his visit to Kenosha, WI today. While he went to pretend to be a racial healer, in reality he simply dumped fuel on the fire.
In the new ad, we see irrational fears stoked and false premises granted as part of a cynical, partisan ploy. Here’s the video.
Joe Biden: "Why in this nation do Black Americans wake up knowing that they could lose their life in the course of just living their life?"
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris launch ad on police violence against Black Americans: https://t.co/5Xgzk6PTV5 pic.twitter.com/hTT3DaOHyV
— The Hill (@thehill) September 3, 2020
Suggesting that black people are being hunted, which is exactly what he’s doing in this clip, is not only statistically untrue, it’s a morally deficient idea to push. Police are not just randomly shooting black men. Even in cases where you could question whether the right call was made, nearly the entirety of these cases involve resisting arrest, physical assaults of officers, and possibly having weapons. That’s a far cry from losing one’s life “in the course of just living their life.” In those cases, arguments can be made about procedures, police unions, etc. What can’t be argued is that the cops woke up one day just wanting to shoot Jacob Blake or Breonna Taylor.
Speaking of the Blake case, Biden met with Blake’s rabidly anti-Semitic father today to show his sympathies for a guy who raped his girlfriend, beat on the cops, and then refused to listen when they thought he was going for a weapon (and the knife was on the floorboard where he was reaching). Does Biden believe that Blake was just “living” his life? Is sexually assaulting a woman and assaulting police officers just part of everyone’s daily routine?
The guy literally raped his girl friend, fought with cops, and appeared to go for a knife, but let’s lionize him. Our society has gone insane. https://t.co/iE40VYtfMs
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) September 3, 2020
Biden may be out of it, but his campaign knows exactly what they are doing here. They are purposely justifying the rioting and looting by making false concessions about these cases in order to pander to the Black Lives Matter crowd. It’s gross, not just because of what’s being said, but because it’s clearly a political calculation made by his advisors. A real leader would try to bring calm, stating the facts about the Blake case and speaking directly to those causing violence. Instead, Biden is rubber stamping their revolution by purposely giving the impression that police are actively hunting black people.
Long story short, Joe Biden is not a decent person. He’s not going to save the country’s soul, nor is any part of his campaign actually above the fray. The mask that he puts on, complete with some clapping seals on the right acting as if it’s real, is nonsense. Biden is as divisive, dishonest, and dangerous as any of the most radical elements of his party, if for no other reason than he will seemingly go along with anything his left flank tells him to. He had a chance to do the right thing here. Instead, he took the easy way out and he shouldn’t be rewarded for it.
(Please follow me on Twitter! @bonchieredstate)
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