I use the phrase “playing the role” because I can’t be certain whether Max Baucus is motivated by something more or he’s just a crazy person who naturally sympathizes with communist China, but there’s no doubt his recent behavior is raising some eyebrows.
If you aren’t familiar with Baucus, he’s a former senator and also served as the Ambassador to China during the Obama administration. Now, he’s being paid by several Chinese companies and appearing on the country’s propaganda networks to compare Donald Trump to Hitler.
Max Baucus, Obama's former Ambassador to China, is on the dole from MULTIPLE Chinese companies and is going all over Chinese media comparing Trump to Hitler
He has betrayed his country, is a disgusting individual, and should register as a foreign agent https://t.co/EI9lL6hJoE
— Saagar Enjeti (@esaagar) May 21, 2020
As the novel coronavirus wreaks havoc across the world, the Obama administration’s ambassador to China has found a second lease on life as a pro-China talking head on regime propaganda outlets.
Former ambassador Max Baucus has given at least four different interviews to Chinese propaganda outlets in the last two weeks, repeatedly comparing the U.S. rhetoric about China to both the McCarthy era and Nazi Germany.
“Joe McCarthy [and] Adolf Hitler … rallied people up, making people believe things that were really not true,” Baucus said during a May 12 interview with China Global Television Network (CGTN), a regime mouthpiece. “The White House and some in Congress are making statements against China that are so over the top and so hypercritical, they are based not on the fact, or if they are based on fact, sheer demagoguery, and that’s what McCarthy did in the 1950s.”
A former Obama official being a mouthpiece for tyrants isn’t necessarily surprising (Ben Rhodes comes to mind), but what makes this especially newsworthy is that Joe Biden was big supporter of Baucus.
This is the guy that *Biden* pushed to be the U.S. Ambassador to China: https://t.co/e8fMy65xzZ https://t.co/uCIANXysKT
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) May 21, 2020
As I’ve written in the past, Biden’s soft spot for China is well documented. His pushing for Baucus to server as an ambassador to the communist state is very worrying, either because Biden is an awful judge of personnel, or worse, because he wanted someone who would work against American interests in that position. What we do know is that Biden’s son was taking flights on Air Force Two and making a lot of money from Chinese interests at the same time.
Baucus’ own business ties to China are pervasive.
His post-retirement public statements praising China have coincided with his burgeoning overseas investments. In 2017, he founded the Baucus Group, a consulting firm that advises both American and Chinese businesses, according to his U.S. Chamber of Commerce biography. He also sits on the board of directors for Ingram Micro, a U.S. subsidiary of a Chinese state-owned conglomerate, as well as the board of advisers for Alibaba Group, one of China’s largest tech companies.
This is a man who’s essentially selling out his country to make a buck at this point. The only real question left is whether he’s receiving his incentive directly from the CCP or if it’s all by proxy via state-controlled corporations. Both lead to the same place, and it’s certainly something worthy of investigation at this point, especially given the resurrection of focus on FARA violations during the Mueller investigation. If we truly live in a country where justice is blind, we can’t have two standards of justice. Baucus’ behavior is extremely troubling and needs to be looked into.
It should also be mentioned to Baucus took China’s side some years back over trade, doing an interview with People’s Daily (a CCP outfit) to decry that Trump was being “too confrontational.”
If Joe Biden is elected, these are the kinds of people we can expect to be returned to power. Those that continually trade on their power and handicap their own country in the process. We saw it with the Iran deal, where the Obama administration paid off a brutal regime, green-lit their future pursuit of nuclear weapons, and then lied about it. Even though Biden himself is basically a stump at this point, it’s who will serve him that should really concern you.
As to Baucus, it’s yet another black mark on Biden’s record and proof that the Obama administration was eaten up with anti-American actors.
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