Massachusetts Town Gets Knickers in a Twist Over 'Trump 2024' Display on Water Tower

(Credit: pikespice/Wikimedia Commons)

Officials in the town of Hanson, Massachusetts (20 miles south of Boston), are in a tizzy because someone has been projecting a “Trump 2024” sign onto their water tower. They claim it’s against policy and the transgressor will face fines if they don’t stop doing it.


I say, give the guy points for ingenuity. (Or gal, if that turns out to be the case.)

Town Scold Administrator Lisa Green was not amused, however, and responded:

"On Friday, Oct. 11, the Town of Hanson became aware that a resident was projecting the image of a political sign from their property onto the Town of Hanson municipal water tower at 228 High St. This misleads the public into believing that this activity is sanctioned by or condoned by the Town," the statement from Green read.

I think it looks nice. And you know that in Taxachusetts, they wouldn’t have said “boo” if the projection was in support of Kamala Harris:

The town is also reportedly preparing a cease and desist letter and will fine the unnamed projectionist $100 a day. Personally, if I were the mystery person and had enough in the bank, I’d find a hundred bucks a day eminently worth it. Meanwhile, the town is expending money and resources to make sure their delicate citizens don’t see the Trump sign:


"Highway Department employees have positioned a spotlight to shine on the water tower to dim the projection. Further measures are being considered at this time," the statement said. "This individual’s actions have the potential to cost a significant amount of taxpayer dollars, including attorney fees, overtime to pay Highway Department workers to turn the spotlight on and off each day, and the potential for having to rent or purchase stronger lighting equipment. The $100 per day fine will likely not cover these expenses."

Social media user JohnFGately, who describes himself as “Behind enemy lines in Massachusetts,” was there for the story:

The guy is actually pretty funny:

Hey, it's Jack, and I'm here in Hanson where a town employee has just shown up to turn on the spotlights—oh, we have light, we have light! He has just turned on the spotlights to protect you. To protect you from the horrific political image that might be displayed on the water tower right here.

Now it's just about sunset... Thank God the town here is going to protect your eyes because this could be so incredibly offensive that you might actually see a political logo... shining on a water tower.


He points out that many media outlets aren't even mentioning the word "Trump" in their articles lest it trigger their sensitive readers, and some outlets are even using photos of completely different water towers. Then he goes for the kicker:

This could be so triggering that Tim Walz might actually learn how to shoot his shotgun, right, if he was actually here.

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He also claims he’s raised over $1,000 to help the projectionist deal with the fines, so perhaps that will buy at least ten more days of this. Expect town officials to be very, very sad if that occurs.


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