Venezuela Cuts Diplomatic Ties With Countries Questioning Its Election Results

AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos

As skepticism over the results of Venezuela's recent presidential election grows, more of its neighbors are speaking out about the alleged outcome. Because of this, Venezuela announced it had severed diplomatic ties with Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Peru, Panama, the Dominican Republic, and Uruguay. The Venezuelan Foreign Ministry says the reason is that these nations have threatened Venezuela's "national sovereignty." The Ministry also demanded that diplomats from these countries immediately remove "their representatives from Venezuelan territory." 


Minister of Foreign Affairs Yvan Gil took to X and stated that the reason for the diplomatic nose-thumbing was expressly due to the questioning of the conduct and subsequent results of the election and accused the countries of being “a group of right-wing governments, subordinate to Washington and openly committed to the most sordid ideological postulates of international fascism."

In a press release, Costa Rica's Foreign Ministry spoke on behalf of the group of nations, calling for an "urgent" meeting of the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) to: 

"...issue a resolution that safeguards the popular will, within the framework of the Democratic Charter and the fundamental principles of democracy in our region."

This prompted a response from Gil, who stated,

“Venezuela denounces and alerts the world about an operation of intervention against the electoral process, our right to self-determination and the sovereignty of our Homeland, by a group of foreign governments and powers."


Large protests broke out on Monday and Tuesday across the country over socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro claiming he had won the election. The Maduro regime is attempting to tamp down protests, but even the police are removing their uniforms and joining protesters. Maduro is blaming the violence on "the extreme right." 

My colleague Ward Clark reported on Maduro's opposition leaders, Edmundo Gonzalez, who has not conceded the election, and Maria Corina Machado, who claim they have obtained roughly 70 percent of the tally sheets from the vote held on Sunday. Gonzalez and Machado claim the tally sheets show that Gonzalez got double the number of votes that Maduro did. 

The Venezuelan election disaster has Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' fingerprints all over it. RedState's own Bonchie reported on Monday that the Biden administration made a deal with the Maduro regime, lifting sanctions in return for the promise of "free and fair" elections. Anyone else thinking of Donald Trump's "snake" poem? Of course, the only people maybe on the planet who were surprised that this did not happen were those in the Biden/Harris administration. 


You can see pie charts on the worker's screen with the opposition (blue) DESTROYING Maduro (red)

Reactions from other nations in the region ranged from cautious skepticism to more outright questioning of the election results. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed "serious concerns that the result announced does not reflect the will or the votes of the Venezuelan people." Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador stated:

"We're going to wait until they finish counting the votes... If the electoral authority confirms this trend, we will recognize the government elected by the people of Venezuela, because that is democracy."

Ecuadoran President Daniel Noboa was a bit more blunt, stating:

Throughout the region, there are politicians trying to cling to power and trying to take peace away from our citizens. That is what we face, that is the danger of the dictatorship, and today we are witnessing how one more of them tries to take hope away from millions of Venezuelans.

Not surprisingly, the president of Argentina, Javier Milei, called it exactly what it is:

Not even (Maduro) believes the electoral scam he is celebrating. Neither does the Argentine Republic. We do not recognize fraud, we call on the international community to unite to restore the rule of law in Venezuela, and we remind the Venezuelan people that the doors of our country are open to every man who chooses to live in freedom.


The people of Venezuela are fighting for their freedom. It should be a fight all freedom-loving nations support.


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