Arizona's Gov. Hobbs Seeks to Rally Progressive Dems With Post-Primary Slur on GOP 'White Supremacists'

AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin, Pool

Arizona Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs appears to have missed the memo from the Washington, D.C., smart set to tone down the rhetoric about Republicans after the attempted assassination of GOP nominee and former President Donald Trump in July.


In her press release Wednesday about the results of the Arizona primary, which was held Tuesday, with ballots still being tabulated for some hotly-contested races in the Copper state, Hobbs spit out dishonest and venomous words for those on the right in the Legislature who have thwarted parts of her radical leftist agenda, calling the candidates on the general election ballot "insurrectionists, white supremacists, and indicted fake electors": 

The full post on X reads:

For many candidates, yesterday marked the beginning of what will be a highly competitive general election campaign. 

Arizonans will get to choose between allowing insurrectionists, white supremacists, and indicted fake electors to continue to control the Legislature, or Democratic candidates who are focused on lowering everyday costs for Arizonans, investing in public education, and restoring reproductive freedom. 

I have confidence that Arizonans will choose sanity over chaos once again, and I look forward to electing governing majorities and working with them in the next legislative session.


Those of us unfortunate enough to have Hobbs as governor know that she has vetoed masses of legislation in the short, (nearly) two years of her first term, with local progressive rags like the Phoenix New Times proudly dubbing her "The Veto Queen":

After a record-shattering 143 vetoes in 2023, Gov. Katie Hobbs dusted off her veto stamp and rejected 73 bills in 2024. That brings her two-year total to 216....

If the Left is about anything, it's about obstructing the will of the people who they are supposed to be serving. The New Times points out, also, that she's blasted away a mighty disgraceful record set by former Dem governor, Janet Napolitano, reporting that she "vetoed 181 bills from 2003-09."

That's 181 bills in seven years versus Hobbs' 216 in just two years, folks. Also, keep in mind that Napolitano also had a Republican-majority Legislature; there has not been a Democrat-majority in the state house since Ronald Reagan was in the Oval Office. Currently, Democrats hold 14 of 30 state Senate seats, and 29 of 60 seats in the state house.

In a sizzling and factual post on X, Republican President Pro Tempore of the AZ Senate and state Sen. T.J. Shope had the perfect comeback for the governor's race-baiting remarks:


If you can't see the post, it reads: 

Gov. @katiehobbs, I’m just trying to figure out if our all Hispanic LD16 team of Shope, Martinez & Lopez are the “insurrectionists, white supremacists, or fake electors”... 🤔 

Talk about a positive unifying campaign message for ya…good luck

A great question, which we will never get an answer to from the Left--because they know the answer will show them out as the complete hypocrites they are. As I said in my piece Tuesday on Kari Lake's win in the U.S. Senate primary, now set to face off against ultra-radical leftist Rep. Ruben Gallego for the Sinema seat, conservatives need to move onward to November!

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