Young people need to understand racism.
Which is to say, young people need to understand conservatism.
So apparently believes George Washington University.
As reported by The Washington Free Beacon, the D.C.-located school’s Office of Diversity provides young skulls full of mush a reading list focused on American prejudice. This list — as per the college — serves to “actively and effectively…[combat] injustice.”
Among the 126 choice instructionals: a 2010 book by San Francisco State University Professor Robert Smith.
I don’t wanna give away the message of the book, but here’s the title:
Conservatism and Racism, and Why in America They Are the Same
If you haven’t put two and two together, where conservatism’s concerned, it ain’t for it.
Aw, heck — since the cat’s out of the bag, here’s a selection:
“Conservatism as a philosophy and ideology…is and always has been hostile to the aspirations of Africans in America, incompatible with the struggle for freedom and equality. Repeatedly I was asked, ‘Are you saying that conservatism is racism, that all conservatives are racist?’ Aren’t there black conservatives? Are they racist?’… My answer to most of these questions was a qualified yes.”
The existence of a book list is no surprise; race is certainly a current hot topic.
From the Free Beacon:
Anti-racism” books have emerged atop Amazon’s bestseller list following George Floyd’s death in police custody in May. Among them are Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility and Ibram X. Kendi’s How To Be An Anti-Racist. Smith’s book never made it to Amazon’s bestseller list, but his work is used in leading college textbooks on American politics.
That label — “anti-racism” — as per CNN, means (among other things) not committing the following racist microaggressions:
- “Don’t blame me. I never owned slaves.”
- “All lives matter.”
- “I’m colorblind; I don’t care if you’re white, black, yellow, green or purple.”
See much more here.
Back to GWU, it’s on a roll.
More from the Beacon:
GWU hosted a number of online programs focused on racism as the nation’s capital and other major cities became the sites of mass protests and, in some cases, riots. The university sought to educate students through programs titled, “Non-black people of color conversation: Role in anti-blackness,” “Conversation about the role of white people in racial justice and anti-racism,” and “Unconscious bias workshop for faculty.” In an email to attendees, the office of diversity boasted that 5,000 people registered for events in the past month.
The workshops culminated with the July 9 release of a 21-page “#GWinSolidarity” syllabus that links to outside resources on the black experience, white allyship, decolonization, and gender and sexuality. GWU and the office of diversity did not respond to multiple requests for comment. The Google document containing the syllabus was removed from public access on Wednesday—shortly after the Washington Free Beacon contacted administrators.
Personally, I think the university’s got its own racial repairs to make — calls are no doubt on their way demanding the school change its name.
After all, Washington’s now such a derided figure, this prominent southern prep school canceled its George Washington Celebration because he’s no longer “relevant.”
And whether the University knows it, “irrelevant” is but a stop on the train to “problematic,” Jack.
Brace for impact, GWU.
Meanwhile, for those of you eager to learn about the evils of the world, the school’s got a book for ya.
Unfortunately, you’ll be reading about yourselves.
See 3 more pieces from me:
History, You’re History: Prominent Prep School Jilts George Washington for Not Being ‘Relevant’
Chick-fil-A CEO Tells White Americans to Shine Black People’s Shoes as a Show of Humility (VIDEO)
Find all my RedState work here.
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