Here’s something you don’t hear every day. Or maybe you do.
Last week on The View, Whoopi Goldberg told U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley to stay out of her…
It rhymes with the 2nd part of “hoochie coochie.” And it’s an exact rhyme — even the consonants.
While going over Nikki’s speech at the Susan B. Anthony List’s 12 annual Campaign for Life Gala (see more in RedState contributor Sister Toldjah’s coverage), Whoopi gave a big ol’ Access Denied with regard to her womanparts.
Here’s a bit of Nikki’s offering at the gala:
“Unfortunately, many on the left use the abortion debate to divide women and demand conformity. They do this in the name of feminism. But that is not real feminism. The idea that women must adhere to a particular set of values is one of the most anti-women ideas in today’s culture. It is a rejection of the ideas of equality and tolerance that the women’s movement is supposed to be about.”
She’s right: It’s a ridiculous attempt at sleight of hand by the Left to assert that the side of women — a very diverse group of individuals — is inherently the side of Democrats — a group comprised of only some men and some women (see more from me on this here and here).
But to Whoopi, Nikki’s trying to gain entrance to her inner workings:
“I don’t want you in my ______!”
Okay… Clear…
“Let me get this straight: So giving a woman a choice about what to do with her body is anti-feminist because…I say it all the time — you have the right never to have an abortion. You have that right, and I support that.”
“What do to with her body” — and that, ladies and gentleman, is the political mainstay known as the straw man argument (here, here, here, and here).
Continuing, the host described an incestuous scenario:
“But what about the nine-year-old girl who gets raped by a family member or some thug in the street? Why are you taking her mother’s discussion with her family, what their choice is, why are you taking it out of their hands? See to me, you taking choice from people is anti-human, so I don’t understand. I don’t say that everybody has to believe, but I say you want to have choice, I don’t want you in my _____! You don’t want me in yours either.”
That’s probably true.
Nikki fired back with a mashup of Whoopi’s words and her own. Let us all know what you think. Two different ideas, two different styles.
But ultimately, of course, only one thing matters: Regardless of the delivery, who is correct?
I'm not going to get in the gutter with Whoopi on this, but listen to both of us and you decide. pic.twitter.com/vqcZOdNbuQ
— Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) June 6, 2019
Straw man arguments don’t change minds; only a discussion of the core disagreement has any hope of doing that. Is it a life or not? That’s what Whoopi should address if she wants to undertake Nikki’s message.
In the meantime, I don’t believe Nikki Haley wants to infiltrate Whoopi Goldberg’s unmentionables.
The battle over abortion continues. For some of the latest, check out these:
Gucci Celebrates 2020 With An Odd Theme For Its Paris Fashion Show: Abortion & Abortion Rights
One More Pro-Life Move: Missouri Signs Into Law An 8-Week Abortion Ban
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, here, here, and here.
See 3 more pieces from me:
Pope Francis Says ‘Yes To Life’: Abortion Is Like ‘Hiring A Hitman’ To Kill Your Baby
Harrison Ford Sounds Off On Who Should Play Indiana Jones Next (And I Have A Recommendation)
Trans Actor’s Grad Speech: Abortion Isn’t *Just* A Woman’s Right
Find all my RedState work here.
And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.
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