Texas State Board of Education Removes Hillary Clinton from its Curriculum



On Friday, the Texas State Board of Education cast ballots over the fate Hillary Clinton.

Just as in 2016, she lost.

Sorry…I had to take a break to laugh.


Clinton will be removed from the state’s social studies courses.

Previously, high school Texans were mercilessly forced — I mean, required — to hear about the first woman in history to win a major party’s presidential nomination. It seems in the Lonestar state, she’s no longer gonna make history.

Also gone: Helen Keller, who overcame the incredible difficulties of being both blind and deaf to become a college-educated author and activist.

In an effort to shave off unnecessary figures about whom students previously had to learn, a panel scored those in question on a scale of 1-20. Historic Hillary got a 5, from a collection of questions such as these:

Did the person trigger a watershed change?
Was the person from an underrepresented group?
Will their impact stand the test of time?

Helen Keller scored a 7.

The removal of Clinton will save teachers and students 30 minutes.

Ahhhh, time well spent.

If only Hillary had been scored according to goofiness (covered here, here, here, and here).

While Clinton got 86’d, some elements were added to the states’ studies requirements. The “heroism” of the defenders of the Alamo made its return. Also incorporated were Moses’s influence on America’s founding documents and the notion that “Arab rejection of the State of Israel has led to ongoing conflict.”


Another addition: the Reverend Billy Graham. That seems to make sense: of those questions above, he certainly should receive high marks on questions 1 and 3 (Check out the video of Graham at the bottom of this article).

In November, the board will reconvene to finalize the changes.

In a related story, Hillary Clinton stinks.



Thank you for reading! What do you think of the changes to the states’ curriculum? Sound off in the Comments section below.

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