Harington vs Schultz - Round 2

I recently had the privilege of interviewing Karen Harrington, candidate for Congresss in Florida’s 20th district where she will be trying to unseat the infamous Debbie Wasserman Schultz.


Some of you may remember that Harrington was unable to defeat Schultz in the 2010 elections, but Mrs. Harrington believes things will be different this time and answers my questions as to why and how that will be the case and what reasons might have existed in 2010 that will not exist today.

I also interviewed FreedomWorks Dean Clancy about their Tea Party Debt Commission where they are hoping to provide a grassroots answer to the “Super Committee” by having a super committee of our own.  Listen in to find out how you can get involved.

All this plus my usual awesomeness can be found at the link below.

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