Big News! New Study Shows Younger Generation Shifting Sharply Right

AP Photo/John McDonnell

Every now and then, you run across something that gives you a little hope for the future. On this manic Monday, one such item appeared in the form of a recent survey by the Young America's Foundation, that shows our younger generation has a healthy skepticism about big government - and they are swinging to the right.


That's good news, and it's good news with possible generational benefits.

In the wake of the 2024 election, much was made of young voters’ shift to the right, most notably among young men but also among young women. Compared to the 2020 presidential election, the significant change in support among 18- to 29-year-old voters delivered a needed boost to propel Donald Trump to victory — in every swing state, the Electoral College, and the popular vote.

To better understand what young Americans were driven by last November — and what they expect now and in the immediate future — Young America’s Foundation again partnered with Echelon Insights to survey these 18- to 29-year-old voters.

Here are what the foundation describes as key takeaways:

  • More young liberals voted for Donald Trump than young conservatives voted for Kamala Harris in the 2024 presidential election
  • More than half of young liberals said their views on social issues have shifted “much more” to the Left in recent years
  • Young conservatives say their political views are informed by their own experiences, families, and religion — not being “brainwashed” by prominent influencers online
  • In the wake of the 2024 election, young conservatives are emboldened and more likely than their liberal or independent peers to feel comfortable sharing their views
  • The cost of living, jobs, and the economy remain the top concerns for young Americans
  • Most young Americans feel the U.S. should have a role — albeit a minor role — in resolving the conflicts in Ukraine and between Israel and its foes
  • A plurality of young liberals, conservatives, and independents agree that the mainstream media cannot be trusted
  • Most young people think the federal government needs significant reform
  • Sixty-nine percent of young voters say it is unfair for the government to continue spending that adds to the national debt, a burden they don’t want to be stuck with

What does this tell us? For one thing, all of the Democrats' silly stunts in the 2024 election fell flat. Kamala Harris's many embarrassing attempts to make herself look "hip" or whatever the kids are calling it these days, just didn't work. It's very possible that this was part of a really interesting find, that more young liberals voted for Trump than young conservatives for Harris, the Bulwark's attempts to persuade them otherwise notwithstanding.

Eighty-four percent of young Trump voters said their vote was for Trump, while 15 percent said they chose him as more of a vote against Harris. Conversely, just 58 percent of Harris voters said they voted for her as a candidate, while 40 percent cast their ballots as a vote of opposition against Trump.

That's not at all surprising. In Kamala Harris, the Democrats chose a candidate who was the least likable candidate since Her Imperial Majesty Hillary I, Dowager-Empress of Chappaqua - the 2024 election results reflected that.

But here's the real kicker:

Of the issues facing this country and their generation, young voters registered the cost of living as their biggest concern, followed by jobs and the economy. Notably, topics regularly exploited by the Left — such as race relations, the environment, and abortion — were less concerning to young voters than things like political corruption, immigration, and taxes.


I've written many times about the difficulty our two younger daughters have had in the Biden economy; they are still unable to buy a house, despite being a three-income household. They are at the upper end of the age range in this survey. Two of our grandchildren are at the lower edge of the range, and they, too, are worried about eventually buying a house - even the one who's going to medical school.

The younger generation is, clearly, more concerned about the economy and the runaway scale and scope of government, which leads inevitably to corruption. These are the issues Donald Trump ran on in 2024.

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These are the issues Donald Trump won on.

There may well be another element, besides the obvious one that Democrats seem incapable of working out that their problem isn't messaging, it's the message. Look at the prominent Democrats on the national level - the average age of Democrat Congressional leaders can only be ascertained by carbon-dating. They are, quite literally, yesterday's news, while being on the right may well be becoming the next big cool thing for the younger generations. It's the Democrats who are The Man, now, and those of us on the right are the cool kids.


That's a great thing to see.

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