
There They Go Again: Democrats Dissemble on Climate Change

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

President Joe Biden, speaking at Washington D.C.'s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in advance of Hurricane Beryl, spewed out a litany of falsehoods about climate and climate issues - but then, that's hardly anything new for Joe Biden.

It's interesting how these people get so much wrong on so many issues. We may be inclined to cut Joe Biden some slack, since these days he barely seems to understand where he is or what he's doing at any given time. (I'm not willing to even cut him this much slack, but I can see how some kinder-hearted people would.) But a lot of these falsehoods are deliberate, and Joe Biden was spouting them even before his deterioration became so sadly obvious.

The Washington Examiner, on Sunday, gave us a pretty good deconstruction of the president's dissembling in the EOC speech.

Hyping the harms of climate change has been a scare tactic of the Democratic Party for decades, helping to make Generation Z the most depressed and least optimistic generation ever. But almost everything Democrats say about climate change is a lie, which is why it is the perfect topic for Part 3 in our series, inspired by the lies Democrats told about Biden’s mental condition, “What else are the Democrats lying about?”

Some specifics: 

Climate change is real. The world’s average temperature is rising. It is just not rising as fast as Democrats claim and is not causing the damage Democrats say it is.

Yes, this is true, which makes the Democrats demonizing some of us as "climate change deniers" even more ridiculous. The climate, yes, is warming, and has been since the Wisconsin glaciation. We are in an interglacial period, like the Sangamonian, which preceded the Wisconsin ice age. And humans have some effect. Everything has some effect. The question is, how much effect do we have, and is it worth wrecking our economy and giving up our modern technological lifestyle over? The only sane answer to that is "No."

See Related: Misleading 'Analysis' Tags 123 House and Senate Republicans As 'Climate Change Deniers' 

The Left Continues to Eat Their Own, Climate 'Activists' Attempt to Thwart Democracy in the Process

And then there's the claim about climate-caused deaths.

Take Biden’s statement about heat, deaths, and extreme weather events. Not one claim in that paragraph is true. In the U.S., extreme cold kills twice the number of people as extreme heat. Internationally, the numbers are even more stark, with extreme cold claiming nine times as many victims as extreme heat.

This isn't something a lot of folks are thinking of now, with much of the lower 48 dealing with a hot summer - even in the Great Land of Alaska, we've seen temps in the upper 70s, which is unseasonably warm for the Susitna Valley. But cold affects people, much more so than heat, we being a heat-adapted species. Add in a fair dose of carelessness - a common warning in areas that suffer extreme cold in winter is to "dress for the weather, not for your car" - and you see some sadly preventable injuries and deaths due to cold - much more so, as the Examiner notes, than heat.

Finally, Democrats aren't telling the truth about severe storms.

Turning to “extreme weather events,” hurricane frequency and intensity have not increased since 1900. Floods have not increased in frequency or intensity since 1950, and tornadoes have not increased in frequency or intensity since 1950 either.

The Democrats and the climate scolds - but I repeat myself - whinging on about this issue is particularly dishonest, given that there are good, solid numbers on this that, unlike some indicators, give little room for interpretation.

Here's what makes this even more crazy: This election won't be decided on climate change, which makes President Biden's outpouring of bunkum on this issue even more meaningless. This election will be decided mostly on pocketbook issues - "It's the economy, stupid" - on the Biden administration's overseeing runaway inflation, rising interest rates, out-of-control housing costs, and oh, by the way, unchecked, unscreened hordes of illegal immigrants swarming across the borders.

The lying about climate change on the part of Democrats won't stop. It won't even slow down. But it's nothing more than red meat tossed to their base, and everyone with any good sense should be aware of that.


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